Arcoiris - Nonviolent Communication in Education...a bike journey

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Finished 17 / 02 / 2020
$ 5,784
$ 4,658
$ 5,769
95 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 14

    You Come with Me

    I will stitch your name on the bunting flags I take with me as I can not do this you accompany me on this trip when I hang the bunting out inviting people to come closer, ask, be curious, connect...

    > 14 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 23

    Greetings from the Road

    Acknowledgement & Simple Postcard:

    I will stitch your name on the bunting flags I take with me & you receive a bought postcard that will be sent to an address of your choice from underway, any time, ....another real way to connect on paper. This pack includes the price of the postcard and the postage expenses within Europe.

    > 15 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 37

    Special Greetings from the Road

    Acknowledgement & 1 Hand Made Postcard:

    I will stitch your name on the bunting flags I take with me & you receive a hand made postcard that will be sent to an address of your choice from underway. This pack includes the postcard and postage expenses within Europe.

    > 12 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 60

    Special Greetings - Updated

    Acknowledgement & 3 Hand Made Postcards:

    Your name will be stitched on the bunting I take with me & you receive 3 hand made postcards, one each month that will be sent to an address of your choice from underway. This pack includes the price of the postage expenses within Europe.

    > 17 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 97

    Needs Cards in 4 European Languages

    Acknowledgement & PDF print outs for Need Cards:

    Your name will be stitched on the bunting I take with me & you receive the PDF print outs for 82 need cards in English & Spanish on one side and German & French on the other side. These cards make it easier to define what human need underlies a certain feeling in any given situation, for example "safety" when "feeling afraid".
    You can cut them out and laminate them for daily use.

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 97

    Empathic Listening - Giraffe's Ears

    Acknowledgement & 2 sessions of Empathic Listening:

    Your name will be stitched on the bunting I take with me & 2 hours of empathic listening on different occasions in person (when possible) or over skype. You choose what is alive and I accompany you by reflecting and rewording, thus getting closer to what is at stake and bring more clarity about the topic or situation.
    I can accompany you in English, Spanish, French or German.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 157

    "ABC of NVC" Workshop

    Acknowledgement & Introductory Workshop:

    Your name will be stitched on the bunting I take with me & 2,5 hours of introductory workshop for 6-15 people close to Barcelona.
    In what consists the paradigm change NVC offers? What are the tools? What is the attitude? A workshop that compares "natural" vs "habitual", need awareness vs dualistic judgements.
    You can choose the workshop being held in English, Spanish or German.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 254

    NVC and Self Empathy

    Acknowledgement & Monographic Workshop:

    Your name will be stitched on the bunting I take with me & 4 hours of NVC workshop for 6-15 people. The importance of connection as social being and how to protect it. Self empathy and discovering who is talking. Being an observer in your inner world.
    You can choose the workshop being held in English, Spanish or German.

    > 01 Co-financiers

95 Co-financiers

1 collaborators

Show donors

$ 60
Support message:
Liebe Iris, ich habe mich ganz doll gefreut von deinem Projekt zu hören und mich mit Wärme an unsere Begegnung bei den MTT im Dezember vor einem Jahr in Niederkaufungen erinnert. Seinerzeit Begann dein Plan für dieses Projekt zu reifen, wenn ich mich recht erinnere und nun soll es losgehen. Ich drücke dir ganz doll die Daumen, dass du das benötigte Fördergeld zusammen bekommst. Mir gefallen die Ideen, was du dafür anbietest und hoffe, das geht vielen, die auf deiner Strecke leben, ebenso. Ich freue mich über eine Postkarte von dir und bin auch glücklich, wenn es eine gekaufte ist ... vielleicht bist du gerade in so schönen, verbindenden Kontakten mit Menschen, dass eine Karte selber zu basteln gerade nicht passt. Herzensgrüße aus Peine Maike
$ 60
Support message:
Lots and lots of love to you and wishing you have the most incredible experiences and adventures in this amazing journey!
$ 14
$ 14
$ 60
$ 23


$ 157
$ 37
Support message:
Enhorabuena por el proyecto! En la comunicación está la base de todo! Y todos tenemos mucho que aprender! Gracias por ayudarnos y difundirlo ;)
$ 97
$ 14
$ 22
$ 23
$ 23
$ 97
Support message:
Hallo Iris, Wir kennen uns vom MRT und danke, ich habe heute deine Einladung bekommen.ich freue mich dass du deinen Traum wahrmachst und wünsche dir die besten Erfahrungen deines Lebens! Ich bin dabei und freue mich auf dein empathisches Zuhören, wenn es soweit ist. Andreas


Hace 4 years
Warm Shower & Hot Meal: Spread the word among your friends along the route that might offer a warm shower and a hot meal
Hace 4 years
Spread the Word & Tell your Friends: Tell your friends along the route or contact entities you know that might want to host workshops on NVC
Hace 4 years
Technical Support: Explain and show me how to upload videos and make the blog even more alive
Hace 4 years
Empathy: Offer empathy and listening skills when I need them in person or through skype or whatsapp
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago