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Finished 14 / 12 / 2019
£ 454
£ 421
£ 2,316
10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 4

    Special mention in social networks

    We will make a special mention in social networks, for your collaboration.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 13

    Curso de meditación, libro y mención en redes sociales

    We give you an online meditation course with three lessons of 1 hour each.
    We will send you a personalized video with a dedication and we will make a special mention by adding your name in our networks.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 23

    Meditation course, book and mention in social networks

    We give you an online meditation course with three lessons of 1 hour each.
    We give you the Vyayam book (Yoga book) in pdf format.
    We will send you a personalized video with a dedication and we will make a special mention by adding your name in our networks.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 45

    Online or face-to-face consultation of Ayurveda 30 minutes, meditation course, book and mention in social networks.

    We offer you an online or face-to-face consultation, in Granada, with our 30-minute Ayurveda expert or a 30 minutes manual therapy. In the online consultation, you will be followed by life habits and thinking and will give you tips to improve.
    We give you an online meditation course with three lessons of 1 hour each.
    We give you the Vyayam book (Yoga book) pdf format.
    We will send you a personalized video with a dedication and we will make a special mention by adding your name in our networks.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 91

    Online or face-to-face consultation of Ayurveda 90 minutes, meditation course, book and mention in social networks

    We offer you an online or face-to-face consultation, in Granada, with our Ayurveda expert of 1h 30m. It will follow you lifestyle habits, way of thinking and give you tips to improve.

    We give you an online meditation course with three lessons of 1 hour each.

    We give you the Vyayam book (Yoga book) pdf format.

    We will send you a personalized video with a dedication and special mention by adding your name in our networks.

    > 00 Co-financiers


27 | 08 | 2019

Estimados amigos,

Con mucha ilusión os damos la bienvenida al lanzamiento del proyecto!


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