Blue Sky School - Tanzania - Ventanas y armarios

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Finished 24 / 06 / 2017
$ 3,935
$ 1,937
$ 4,192
89 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 10

    Gratitude in Facebook in Blue Sky School site

    Just the simple fact of collaborating with a solidarity project for people with low economic resources is reason enough to feel good and proud. If the contributor funds the project, his/her name will be mentioned in the gratitudes in Facebook.

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 19

    Project implementation report (pdf), plus gratitudes in Facebook

    You will receive online an illustrated and detailed document with photographs about how the projects aim of this campaign have been developed. In addition, you will appear in the Facebook gratitudes.

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 31

    Video dedicated by the children (digital delivery), plus all the above

    School children are going to dedicate a customized video just for you :) The video will be personal and unique. Furthermore, you will also receive all the previous rewards: the project imprementation report in digital format and the Facebook gratitudes.

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 44

    Photograph dedicated by the school children, plus all the above

    You will receive at home a unique and exclusive photograph dedicated by the school children. Furthermore, you will also receive all the previous rewards: video, project imprementation report in digital format and the Facebook gratitudes.

    > 18 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 75

    Name of the contributor in any of the new windows of the school, plus all the above

    Symbolically, as one of the main purposes of the project is to build new windows in the school, the contributor´s name will appear in any of them. Furthermore, you will also receive all the previous rewards: photograph, video, project imprementation report in digital format and the Facebook gratitudes.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 113

    Masai manufactured gift from the school (just in Madrid, London and Milton Keynes), plus all the above

    You will receive a masai gift from the school, to be delivered in Madrid, London or Milton Keynes. Furthermore, you will also receive all the previous rewards: contributor´s name in one of the new windows, photograph, video, project imprementation report in digital format and the Facebook gratitudes.

    > 04 Co-financiers

Ya queda menos...

03 | 05 | 2017

Hola a tod@s

Hi everybody,

En primer lugar, queríamos volver a agradeceros a todos vuestra ayuda y colaboración, la semana pasada conseguimos superar los mínimos y ya estamos cada vez más cerca de los óptimos. 

First of all, we wanted to thank you all your help and collaboration, last week we reached the minimum and we are now closer to the optimum.

Algunos detalles adicionales del colegio:

  • Blue Sky School abrio sus puertas en Enero del 2015 con tres clases y 35 alumnos
  • El segundo año cuatro nuevas clases fueron construidas, y comenzaron el año 120 niños
  • Este tercer año el colegio comenzó con otras cuatro nuevas clases y 240 estudiantes
  • Cada semana nuevos niños comienzan en el colegio (muchos de ellos nunca antes han sido escolarizados)

Some details  about the School:

  • Blue Sky School was opened in January´15 with three classrooms and 35 children
  • The second year four new classrooms were built, and they started with 120 children
  • This third year the school started with other 4 new classrooms and 240 children
  • Every week new children join the school (many of them have never been schooled)
Inicialmente, el objetivo de la campaña era la construcción de ventanas en el edificio principal y la compra de armarios para los niños internos en el colegio. Tras haber alcanzado el mínimo alcance, junto con Elena (directora) y Shukrani (propietario) hemos listado otras necesidades en las que emplear el dinero extra que consigamos.
Initially, the aim of this campaign was the construction of windows in the main building of the school and the purchase of lockers for the male children´s room that are living there.
As we have overtaken this minimum scope, together with Elena (head of the school) and the Shukrani (owner) we have listed other needs to spend the exceeded money on.

A continuación algunas nuevas imágenes de cómo es el colegio en relación con los anteriores elementos:

We have included some pictures of how the school is today in regards to all the above items:

Finalización de las cuatro nuevas clases

A finales de 2016, cuatro nuevas clases fueron construidas. Desde Enero del 2017 todas estas clases están siendo usadas, puesto que el número de estudiantes ha aumentado. Como puede verse, las paredes necesitan ser enfoscadas, y se necesitan puertas y ventanas. Sería la primera prioridad con el dinero extra recaudado que sobrepase el mínimo

At the end of 2016, four new classrooms were built. Since January’17, all of them are being used, as there has been a growth in the number of students. As it can be seen, they still need the walls to be rendered, and windows and doors have to be built. This would be the first priority with the extra money fundraised that exceeds the minimum (lockers and windows for the main building)


Comedor (Canteen)

Somos conscientes de que es casi imposible, pues el coste de la construcción de un comedor es muy alto y supera por mucho el alcance de la campaña inicial (sin embargo, el propietario del colegio ha calculado el presupuesto). Actualmente los niños desayunan y comen en sus clases, y sería ideal que pudieran tener un espacio adecuado para ello.

We are aware this is almost impossible, as the cost of the construction of a canteen is really high and exceeds the scope of the initial campaign (however, the owner of the school has calculated the budget associated). Currently all the children are having breakfast and lunch in their classrooms, and it would be perfect that they have a proper space to do that.




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