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Finished 24 / 04 / 2018
$ 5,367
$ 2,926
$ 5,563
82 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11

    Thank you very much!!

    We really thank you for your help. :) We will also thank you publicly and you will appear as a sponsor on our page.

    > 11 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 22

    Pictures with a story

    We really thank you for your help. :) We will also thank you publicly and you will appear as a sponsor on our page.

    We will send you some special pictures of our experience. We will explain to you what is the story behind each picture and how was the moment when it was taken. :)

    We will also make a video of the show which you will see... before we publish it openly!

    > 20 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54

    Pictures with a story and a souvenir

    We really thank you for your help. :) We will also thank you publicly and you will appear as a sponsor on our page.

    We will send you some special pictures of our experience. We will explain to you what is the story behind each picture and how was the moment when it was taken. :)

    We will also make a video of the show which you will see... before we publish it openly! As well, we will bring you and send you a souvenir ( surprise!) from our trip.

    > 16 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 109

    Pictures with a story, dinner and concert

    We really thank you for your help. :) We will also thank you publicly and you will appear as a sponsor on our page.

    We will send you some special pictures of our experience. We will explain to you what is the story behind each picture and how was the moment when it was taken. :)

    We will also make a video of the show which you will see... before we publish it openly!

    Also, we would love to invite you to a dinner in our home and to offer you a concert of our musicians, Nuria&Constantin. :)

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 163

    Pictures with a story, dinner , concert and tour.

    We really thank you for your help. :) We will also thank you publicly and you will appear as a sponsor on our page.

    We will send you some special pictures of our experience. We will explain to you what is the story behind each picture and how was the moment when it was taken. :)

    We will also make a video of the show which you will see... before we publish it openly!

    Also, we would love to invite you to a dinner in our home and to offer you a concert of our musicians, Nuria&Constantin. We would also like to show you one of our cities - Madrid, Paris or Granada- on a nice and personal tour.

    > 02 Co-financiers

Français jour 2/3

26 | 07 | 2018

Jour 2
Nous sommes partis pour Elesfina vers 9h du matin pour notre deuxième représentation, mais on a eu une petite surprise en arrivant. Les réfugiés avaient commencé une grève, et refusés de laisser passer les ONG et les associations. On a donc attendu un peu, mais la situation n’évoluait pas. On a donc décidé d’aller dans le camp dans lequel nous devions jouer le lendemain. On a eu un accueil très chaleureux de la part des enfants ( ils se sont jetés dans nos bras en nous voyant arriver 😀 ). On a pu ainsi faire connaissance, et jouer avec eux pendant un moment.
Jour 3
On est retourné à Malakasa, où les enfants nous attendaient avec impatience. Certains enfants nous ont aidé à installer tout le matériel. La représentation c’est très bien passé, les enfants se sont amusés et nous aussi ! C’était une journée très sympa, entre autres grâce à un super accueil de la part des personnes travaillant dans le camp. Voilà une petite vidéo du show !


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