Civic Practices

Finished 30 / 07 / 2016
$ 7,297
$ 5,883
$ 12,300
235 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11


    We will send you the book of Civic Practices in PDF (extended version) after it's published.

    > 39 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 21

    Book + ebook

    Printed book of Civic Practices + PDF (extended version).
    Expenses covered for Spain shipping. COD shipments to the rest of Europe (10 €) and outside Europe (15 €). NEWS for the remaining 13 days of campaign: If you are in London, Paris, Milan, Brussels or Rome you can get your book for only 5€ of shipping

    > 169 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 39

    2 Books + ebook

    2 Printed books of Civic Practices + 2 PDFs (extended version).
    Expenses covered for Spain shipping. COD shipments to the rest of Europe (10 €) and outside Europe (15 €). NEWS for the remaining 13 days of campaign: If you are in London, Paris, Milan, Brussels or Rome you can get your book for only 5€ of shipping

    > 22 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 96

    5 Books + ebook

    5 Printed books of Civic Practices + 5 PDFs (extended version).
    Expenses covered for Spain shipping. COD shipments to the rest of Europe (10 €) and outside Europe (15 €). NEWS for the remaining 13 days of campaign: If you are in London, Paris, Milan, Brussels or Rome you can get your book for only 5€ of shipping

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 214

    Lecture + 5 books + ebook

    1-Hour lecture about collective intelligence and collaborative urbanism (online) + 5 printed books + 5 PDFs (extended version).
    Expenses covered for Spain shipping. COD shipments to the rest of Europe (10 €) and outside Europe (15 €). NEWS for the remaining 13 days of campaign: If you are in London, Paris, Milan, Brussels or Rome you can get your book for only 5€ of shipping

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 321

    Lecture + 10 books + ebook

    1-Hour lecture about collective intelligence and collaborative urbanism (online) + 10 printed books + 10 PDFs (extended version).
    Expenses covered for Spain shipping. COD shipments to the rest of Europe (10 €) and outside Europe (15 €). NEWS for the remaining 13 days of campaign: If you are in London, Paris, Milan, Brussels or Rome you can get your book for only 5€ of shipping

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 535

    5 Enrollments in Civic Design course + 5 books + ebook

    5 Enrollments in Civic Design course (spanish and french versions) + 5 printed books + 5 PDFs (extended version).
    Expenses covered for Spain shipping. COD shipments to the rest of Europe (10 €) and outside Europe (15 €). NEWS for the remaining 13 days of campaign: If you are in London, Paris, Milan, Brussels or Rome you can get your book for only 5€ of shipping

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,070

    Consulting + 10 books + ebook

    10 hours of exclusive consulting by videoconference + 10 printed books + 10 PDFs (extended version).
    Expenses covered for Spain shipping. COD shipments to the rest of Europe (10 €) and outside Europe (15 €). NEWS for the remaining 13 days of campaign: If you are in London, Paris, Milan, Brussels or Rome you can get your book for only 5€ of shipping

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,604

    Consulting + 5 enrollments in Civic Design course + 10 books + pdf

    12 hours of exclusive consulting by videoconference + 5 enrollments in Civic Design course (spanish and french versions) + 10 printed books + 10 PDFs (extended version).
    Expenses covered for Spain shipping. COD shipments to the rest of Europe (10 €) and outside Europe (15 €). NEWS for the remaining 13 days of campaign: If you are in London, Paris, Milan, Brussels or Rome you can get your book for only 5€ of shipping

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,139

    Consulting + 10 enrollments in Civic Design course + 10 books + ebook

    14 hours of exclusive consulting by videoconference + 10 enrollments in Civic Design course (spanish and french versions) + 10 printed books + 10 PDFs (extended version).
    Expenses covered for Spain shipping. COD shipments to the rest of Europe (10 €) and outside Europe (15 €). NEWS for the remaining 13 days of campaign: If you are in London, Paris, Milan, Brussels or Rome you can get your book for only 5€ of shipping

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 4,278

    Workshop + 10 enrollments in Civic Design course + 10 books + ebook

    In-person workshop of 2 days with 2 facilitators + 10 enrollments in Civic Design course (spanish and french versions) + 10 printed books + 10 PDFs (extended version) NEWS for the remaining 13 days of campaign: If you are in London, Paris, Milan, Brussels or Rome you can get your book for only 5€ of shipping

    > 00 Co-financiers
5 last days of our 2nd and final funding round in Goteo. If you just arrived, catch up on this.

Thank you all, Civic Practices book is already a fact and you are part of it

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And now, in this second round towards the “optimum” we will get finance to produce more material divulging these civic practices that all of us believe in.

For that, in addition...
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We made it! Campaign successfully funded in Goteo thanks to lots of people ;)
Two hundred contributors already... It's not just a campaign, its a dream machine!
Yipie! Funding goal achieved!
Thanks to people's support, our project is very close to become true!
3 days are nothing! If you haven't contributed yet, what are you waiting for? These guys already did it.
7 days left and we haven't achieved our minimum goal, ouch! Key time to donate now.
We are nearly 100, feel like giving it a try and help us reach that?
Getting here has merit: 50% of the funding goal is over!
Wow! A donation of €1,000 to our campaign in Goteo, many thanks!

Companies, organisations, offices... we want you with us

With contributions from 300 € we will include your logo as sponsor in this book.

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Good news for European shipping

We have reached an agreement to make it easier for you.

If you are in London, Paris, Milan, Brussels or Rome you can get your book with only 5 euros of shipping.

We know that you were waiting for it. Done!
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Check out Civic Practices book

Check the cover design of the book CIVIC PRACTICES, inspired by the CivicWise logo, which represents creating a Community of Civic Practices.

See details of the interior of the book CIVIC PRACTICES, featuring the project Mirador 70 in Caracas...
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To promote our crowdfunding campaign we are organizing a marathon streaming for Sunday June 5th.

The marathon will take place between 12h and 16h (Madrid time).

During the...
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Has it been already 20 days of campaign? Time to remember non monetary contributions.
Our campaigns starts moving but there's still a way ahead and it is all-or-nothing!

Glocal Camp is over

Glocal Camp is over. A week that now seems much longer. A week of hard work on Civic Governance, Civic Projects, Civic Spaces, Civic Tools... and of course on our Publication.

We go forward with a lot of enthusiasm to realize our goal.
[Read more]
After a week campaigning, we remind you our reasons (click here).
Click here and learn what we will do if we succeed in our crowdfunding campaign.
Would you like to know more about our campaign? Here we go
First few donations, thanks! :)
This campaign kicks off!