Escoliña De Vilar

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Finished 20 / 06 / 2016
$ 16,667
$ 12,186
$ 25,689
272 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11

    Thanks, postcard and invitation

    We appreciate it on the web, you download the postcard with the logo and we invite you to the opening party.

    > 37 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 22

    Two fanzines

    Invitation to the opening party, we thank you on the web and you download the postcard with the logo + you receive two fanzines of the topics of your choice (health, nature, bread making, agriculture, seeds, alternative pedagogies, sexuality. ..)

    > 42 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 33

    We plant a tree in your honor

    Invitation to the opening party, we thank you on the web and you download the postcard with the logo + two fanzines + we plant a tree in your honor to reafforest the school surroundings.

    > 56 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54

    Logo T-Shirt

    Invitation to the opening party, we thank you on the web and you download the postcard with the logo + two fanzines + a t-shirt with the logo of Escoliña de Vilar

    > 50 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 109

    Small basket of local products

    Invitation to the opening party, we thank you on the web and you download the postcard with the logo + two fanzines + t-shirt with logo + a small basket of organic products planted and / or processed locally.

    > 30 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 217

    Large basket of local products

    Invitation to the opening party, we thank you on the web and you download the postcard with the logo + two fanzines + t-shirt with logo + a big basket with organic products planted and / or processed locally

    > 10 Co-financiers

Feira do Viño de Negueira

29 | 04 | 2016

Este sábado estivemos na Feira do Viño de Negueira. Un día de festa regado cos viños do val, algún xa con moita sona. E sonando estivo a banda das nosas aldeas, que tocando polos carreiros de Negueira fixo colecta para o
proxecto da escoliña de Vilar.

Todo na compaña de grandes mestres da música galega, como César Fernández,Modesto Arias ou Nela de Bres, entre outros, que desde A Fonsagrada ata Taramundi veñen facer o pasarrúas (e deleitarse co viño tamén) cada ano.

No mercado estivemos tamén facendo campaña, nos postos das artesanas das vilas de Ernes, Vilar e Vilauxín. Coiro, pan e empanadas, conservas vexetais e zumes da ourela repoboada do val do Navia. Un día de troula brava algo pasado por auga!


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