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Finished 14 / 07 / 2019
£ 6,536
£ 3,379
£ 15,204
155 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 17

    Enter our Hall of Fame

    Receive our eternal gratitude and get your name and location on our funders page on our website.

    > 30 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 25

    Early Bird Discount (Extra Small)

    Get 60 € in credit to use on our platform. This credit is only valid for our booking fee (7,5% on the booking price).

    > 22 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 25

    Special Discount (Extra Small)

    Get 35 euros in credit to use on our platform. This credit is only valid for our booking fee (7,5% of the total price)
    Receive our eternal gratitude and get your name and location on our funders page on our website.

    > 29 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 30

    Truth or Truth

    You will get a personal video message from us posted on our youtube channel sending you our gratitude and answering three questions of your choice.
    Receive our eternal gratitude and get your name and location on our funders page on our website.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 42

    Early Bird Discount (Small)

    Get 100 € in credit to use on our platform. This credit is only valid for our booking fee (7,5% on the booking price).

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 42

    Special Discount (Small)

    Get 60 euros in credit to use on our platform. This credit is only valid for our booking fee (7,5% of the total price)
    Receive our eternal gratitude and get your name and location on our funders page on our website.

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 51

    Sustainable Tourism Webinar

    Participate in an online training session focused on discovering how to approach a good sustainable tourism project.
    Receive our eternal gratitude and get your name and location on our funders page on our website.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 51

    Fair Hosts Webinar

    Participate in an online session exploring how to become a better host. In this session, a facilitator will explore how to offer a home that ensures the satisfaction of guests, as well as a sustainable connection with the local environment.
    Receive our eternal gratitude and get your name and location on our funders page on our website.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 84

    Early Bird Discount (Medium)

    Get 200 € in credit to use on our platform. This credit is only valid for our booking fee (7,5% on the booking price).

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 84

    Entities and businesses friends

    We are open to support from private entities and businesses which share our values. We will send you our gratitude and will show the link of your organization in the ‘friends’ area of our website.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 84

    Special Discount (Medium)

    Get 125 euros in credit to use on our platform. This credit is only valid for our booking fee (7,5% of the total price)
    Receive our eternal gratitude and get your name and location on our funders page on our website.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 84

    Local Workshop

    Participate in one of our local workshops. From late 2019 onwards,we will organize a Fairbnb.coop tour across at least five cities in Spain: Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Seville, Bilbao. In each city we will organize a special workshop in which we will analyse the local impacts of mass tourism and initiate a co-design process to understand how fairbnb.coop can better connect and collaborate with local communities.
    Receive our eternal gratitude and get your name and location on our funders page on our website.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 127

    Early Bird Discount (Large)

    Get 300 € in credit to use on our platform. This credit is only valid for our booking fee (7,5% on the booking price).

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 127

    Special Discount (Large)

    Get 200 euros in credit to use on our platform. This credit is only valid for our booking fee (7,5% of the total price)
    Receive our eternal gratitude and get your name and location on our funders page on our website.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 127

    Early Backer badge

    Receive a special badge on your profile so that everyone can see that you were one of the first to believe and support us. Your home will also be particularly advertised throughout the platform.
    Welcome call of Fairbnb team with all the Early backers
    Receive our eternal gratitude and get your name and location on our funders page on our website.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 211

    Early Bird Discount (Extra large)

    Get 500 € in credit to use on our platform. This credit is only valid for our booking fee (7,5% on the booking price).

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 211

    Special Discount (Extra Large)

    Get 350 euros in credit to use on our platform. This credit is only valid for our booking fee (7,5% of the total price)
    Receive our eternal gratitude and get your name and location on our funders page on our website.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 338

    Fairbnb in your city?

    You will get a specific analysis about vacation rental and tourism impact in your city/area + a meeting with one or several members of our team to value the option of having your city as a future destination in our platform.
    Welcome call of Fairbnb team with all the Early backers
    Receive our eternal gratitude and get your name and location on our funders page on our website.

    > 03 Co-financiers

Fairbnb.coop llega oficialmente en septiembre de 2019

Los cambios en las regulaciones nacionales sobre alquileres a corto plazo y algunos retrasos registrados en nuestro plan de financiación tuvieron un impacto importante en nuestros planes de desarrollo. No obstante nos dirigimos...

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English Below

Desde el equipo de Fairbnb.coop queremos darte las gracias por tu apoyo en nuestra primera campaña de Crowdfunding.

Durante los próximos días nos volveremos a contactar contigo para comunicarte con más detalle sobre cómo...

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Our collective reward after Goteo's campaign is already available through our project's website.
2nd funding round will finish soon! But you still can support us in many ways and learn more here.

#FairbnbCoopTour : En Bilbao nos acogerán en el espacio Wikitoki

Nos hace mucha ilusión comunicar que ya tenemos confirmado nuestro espacio para la presentación y el taller de codiseño en Bilbao. Se trata del espacio Wikitoki.

*Wikitoki es en sí mismo un proceso experimental...

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A million thanks to everyone! We keep crowdfunding in a 2nd round to achieve our optimum goal!
We are nearly 100, feel like giving it a try and help us reach that?
Great! Minimum funding goal accomplished! Thanks to all of you who supported and spread our campaign in Goteo!
Very close to our funding goal in Goteo, donation after donation!
Last three days! We count on you as we already did on them.

Añadimos Mataró a la lista de nuestro #FairbnbCoopTour

Nos hace mucha ilusión comunicaros que gracias a la Xarxa de l'economia social i solidària (@xesmataro), añadimos la ciudad de Mataró al #FairbnbCoopTour

Breve descripción de XES Mataró:

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7 days left and we haven't achieved our minimum goal, ouch! Key time to donate now.
Half of the thermometer achieved, we now go for the rest of it!
Our campaigns starts moving but there's still a way ahead and it is all-or-nothing!

¿Nos ayudas con la organización del Fairbnb.Coop Tour?

aquí Domenico de Fairbnb.coop al habla!

Estamos muy contentos porque muchas personas como tú os estáis registrando en nuestra plataforma y nos estáis apoyando también con el crowdfunding. Es evidente que somos un número muy grande...

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¡Por qué comenzamos esta campaña!

Hola, soy Domenico Di Siena, socio trabajador de la cooperativa Fairbnb.coop.
Me estoy encargando de coordinar la campaña de crowdfunding que empezamos hace unos días.

**Fairbnb.coop ofrece una alternativa justa, colectiva y transparente...

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Has it been already 20 days of campaign? Time to remember non monetary contributions.
It's been a week since we're campaigning in Goteo. Do you know who's our target?
We are campaigning in order to achieve our objectives (click here!).
This is what we want to do and these is who we are.
First few donations, thanks! :)