El Gran Textil: Cosiendo ciudades, tejiendo alimentos

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Finished 21 / 06 / 2020
$ 5,797
$ 4,385
$ 10,600
60 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11



    This Patronage will give you some wheat seeds (from the old ones) so you can start sowing the bread with your sweat and start transforming modern cities into fields that will feed us.

    In the delivery of the seeds, we invite you to an organic breakfast (in September), where we will present the status of the project.

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 21



    This Patronage invites you to participate in the celebration of the presentation of the exhibition in November 2020, we are managing to exhibit at the Royal Artillery Factory in Seville, where we will taste agro-ecological products in an artistic environment and with a flamenco party... Olé!

    In addition, you can enjoy an organic breakfast (in September) where you will take some wheat seeds so that you can transform the territory from asphalt to bread with your own hands.

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 53



    This Patronage invites you to eat at CASAURANTE, our artistic-gastronomic project that consists of recovering the idea of ​​the old "food houses". We carry out complete menus every Friday for lunch in our gastrosophical studio located in Rompemoldes, Seville.

    You can enjoy this wonderful meal in a unique space in addition to being able to attend the opening party in November 2020, the organic breakfast (in September) and a handful of wheat seeds so that you can transform the city yourself.

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 107



    This Patronage will give your name to a square or a street in one of the cities that appear in “El Gran Textil”, therefore, your name will appear embroidered in an art piece.

    Also, you will be able to come to CASAURANTE on a Friday at noon and enjoy a full menu in a unique space, as well as you can attend the opening party in November 2020, enjoy an organic breakfast (in September) and a handful of seeds of wheat so that it is you who turns the winters into yellow fields.

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 267



    This Patronage makes your name or that of your company appear in the signature of the participants and collaborators in “El Gran Textil”.

    Take another step and in addition to philanthropists become co-owner:

    We advise you to associate with another patron and acquire part of the work and move on to the next phase.

    Also, your name will appear embroidered in a square or street of “El Gran Textil”, you can come to Friday at CASAURANTE and enjoy a full menu in a unique space, you can attend the opening party in November 2020, and enjoy the organic breakfast (in September) and a handful of wheat seeds so that you can transform the cities into fields.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 535



    This Patronage gives you the right to be a co-owner of the work, and you will obtain a certificate issued by art sales professionals that stipulate your rights as co-owner of “El Gran Textil”.

    Your name or that of your company appears in the signature of the participants and collaborators in “El Gran Textil”.

    Also, your name will appear embroidered in a square or street of “El Gran Textil”, you can come to Friday at CASAURANTE and enjoy a full menu in a unique space, you can attend the opening party in November 2020, and enjoy the organic breakfast (in September) and a handful of wheat seeds so that you can transform the cities into fields.

    > 04 Co-financiers

El "Biscuit Rose" de Reims y el champán

31 | 03 | 2020

Nuestra cartografía se compone de tres territorios que son Sevilla, Galicia y Reims (Francia). Sevilla y Reims son las dos ciudades que estamos comprando. Galicia aparece ya que en A Coruña, el mercado de San Agustín (1935) es una copia del mercado de Reims (1927), ya contaremos esto…

Hoy toca la gastronomía, tema muy importante para LaPlasita.

Vamos a hablar de bebida y galletas: champán o champagne y biscuits roses de Reims.

¡Reims es la capital del champán!

Es una bebida que se bebe allí sin razón particular, no se tiene que celebrar algo para abrirse una botella.

Después de brindar, se lleva una tradición en Reims que consiste en mojar una galleta típica en la copa de champán.
¡Sí han leído bien! ¡Mojar una galleta en el champán! Esta galleta se llama “Le biscuit rose” y viene de la familia Fossier. Está tremenda la experiencia.

Heredera de una gran línea de creadores de golosinas que hacen la fama de Reims, la Casa Fossier ha sabido conservar y desarrollar la maestría creativa que hace de sus recetas de galletas inevitables etapas gourmet. Galletería de tradición forjada por dos siglos y medio de historia, Fossier mezcla el buen gusto de antaño con los sabores de hoy para llenar todos los gourmets. Podríamos compararla con nuestras tortas de aceite, con la marca Inés Rosales, por ejemplo.

Durante más de tres siglos (1690), la galletería ha sido una actividad próspera y muy bien implantada en Reims. En los años de locura, la moda de los Biscuits Roses crece, y a las mujeres elegantes les encanta degustarlos con un gran champán. Incluso podrá mantener sus actividades durante las guerras de 1914-1918 y 1939-1945 adaptando su fabricación a las necesidades del momento. 

Muy pronto, apareció la costumbre de mojar su galleta en una copa de tinto de las colinas de Champagne: Bouzy rouge, Mareuil rosé, Ratafia, viejo orujo y más tarde en una copa flauta de champán.

El Biscuit Rose de Reims tenía sobre todo la particularidad de no desplomarse o desmoronarse cuando se lo sumergía en un líquido, gracias a la larga desecación que había sufrido, después de la cocción, en la estufa situada bajo el horno de leña del antiguo panadero y también gracias a la calidad de las materias primas.

¡Una tradición regional!


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