Disco de IZARO

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Finished 16 / 07 / 2016
$ 4,738
$ 3,694
$ 4,134
199 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 5

    From the sofa pack

    You will get the option to download the online album.

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 13

    I'm watching you from the peephole pack

    You will get the option to download the online album and you will receive the physical

    > 123 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 27

    The active pack

    All of the above plus two tickets for the presentation concert of the album.

    > 50 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54

    The honey-made heart pack

    You will get the same from above, but the "extra" 25€ will go to help refugees who can not enter Europe. I will present you different projects that are working on that, and you will be able to choose the one you want to support.

    > 16 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 322

    The adventurer pack

    You will receive a physical version of the album and the chance to have a private concert in your house. This concerts will only apply to the Basque Country.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 483

    The exotic pack

    You will receive the physical version of the album and the change to have a private concert in your house. This concerts will apply to Spain, except the islands :( I'm sorry.

    > 00 Co-financiers


19 | 06 | 2016


Gracias a vuestra ayuda ya estamos grabando en Muir Estudio. Estamos muy contentxs y super ilusionadxs. Estamos llegando bien a las metas diarias que nos hemos puesto, cansadxs pero satisfechxs. Hemos grabado todas las baterías y en un par de días también acabaremos los bajos. 

Iré subiendo vídeos y fotos en mis redes sociales. (Facebook: IZARO - Instagram: izaroandres - Twitter: IzaroAndres)

Muchísimas gracias, va por vosotrxs, os lo agradecemos de corazón :)

Felices es poco.


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