La noche de todos los santos

Finished 07 / 04 / 2013
£ 3,150
£ 2,821
£ 3,060
52 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 4

    Reconocimiento web

    Tu nombre en una lista de agradecimientos en la web, blog y redes sociales del proyecto

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 13

    Mención en los titulos de crédito

    Mención en los agradecimientos tanto de los vídeos promocionales como del trailer y el corto + Reconocimiento web, blog y redes sociales

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 17

    Visionado en exclusiva

    Recibirás un código para ver vía web el corto antes de que esté en otros formatos + Reconocimiento web y en los créditos

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 26

    Copia del DVD o BlueRay

    Una edición del DVD o BlueRay muy bonita, con su caja, su galleta, los extras, el making off, teaser, fotos de rodaje, etc. + Reconocimiento web y en los créditos

    > 16 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 43


    Ya eres parte del equipo! (pero con la camiseta exclusiva quedará aún más claro :) + Reconocimiento web y en los créditos

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 171

    Asiste a un día de rodaje

    Posibilidad de asistir a un día de rodaje como espectador y comer con nosotros ese día (el papeo va de nuestra parte, evidentemente :) + Camiseta + Reconocimiento web y en los créditos

    > 04 Co-financiers

About this project

Cortometraje de Ficción-Político-Thriller sobre la memoria histórica de España ambientado en la actualidad

Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Alquiler de Furgoneta.
Una furgo muy grande sólo para llevar el equipo de cámara e iluminación.
£ 684
Aluiler de Ilumincación
Todo lo necesario para rodar 3 días. Uno de ellos en interior. Y dos 2 noches en exterior.
£ 1,282
Disco Duro
Disco Duro profesional de 2 TB. Para hacer Backup.
£ 239
Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Vamos lo que viene siendo darle de comer en condiciones a la gente, teniendo en cuenta que nadie cobra por su curro lo menos que podemos hacer a parte de agradecérselo es que trabajen a gusto, nada de bocadillos de mortadela. Ah! Seremos una media de 50 personas por día de rodaje. Los que supone 750 comidas aprox.
£ 598
Edición DVD
Edición del DVD del corto con calidad profesional. Y si nos diera el presupuesto lo haríamos en BluRay ya que el corto se rueda y se edita en 4K.
£ 256
Total £ 2,821 £ 3,060

General information

At sunset the day before All Souls' Day, reporters from around the world flock to the Moncloa Palace and the National Court of Spain, dozens of old people are called by impossible voices and a silent multitude of shadows, carried along by the howling of wolves, advance through the woods on the big cities.

The film is challenging due to the size of the cast (50+) and the locations (mainly outdoors) but viable due to the brief apparences of the roles and a clockwork organization.

The short will be filmed with a HD Red One and digital cameras like those used in TV. Lighting will try to mimick real life, the light we associate with night fall in autumn. We will use live sound and an original music soundtrack. Filming will take place in the second week of April in the mountains of Guadarrama, Madrid and on the streets and in the buildings of the capital itself.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

The short All Saints' Night is being brought to life by a group of people all of whom are associated with the different aspects involved in making a movie, all participating pro bono.
A minimum of €20,000 is needed to do the film and we are looking for donations to start Spring 2013. In our blog you'll be able to follow pre-filming work as well as see how much has been donated. For this part of our fundraising campaign, you can help out by donating through GOTEO or directly to this Cajamar account:

3058/0969/17/2810002326, name DEMO REEL STUDIO

You can deposit in cash or by bank transfer. Please remember to include your full name for our records and so that we can list you in the credits (unless you'd prefer not to be included).
If the short were to win awards in film festivals or be awarded subsidies, revenues would be used to pay back those who collaborated with the initial investment and then, later, to return investments made by the team. If the funds raised don't cover the project's expenses, they will be returned to the doners. Please make sure you leave us your email so we can contact you in either case. Anyone who supports the project economically can request the script and we'll send it to you by email.


Why this is important

All Saints' Night isn't pointing any fingers, it's not demonizing anyone, and it's trying to purge itself of prejudice, but latent in the film is the unsustainable historical injustice that a free and democratic country can not permit without betraying its ideals of peaceful co-existence.
Fantasy political thriller with intertwined subplots and a rapid crescendo to its climax: sharp, unambiguous, and full of meaning.
The chorus-led plot aims to transcend the heavy weight of the mystery by using a tone that leaves an emotional footprint fusing irony, lyricism, individual and collective conflict and historical justice.

Visually the short is a mixture of a sort of just-in format with flashing TV images and a slower composition of some of the subplots where the fantastic, tragic and poetic make a balanced whole.

Goals of the crowdfunding campaign

With this campaign we are aiming for the €3,000 we need to round off the filming budget, which is €15,000. We already have €12k, and we just need this little last effort to be able to start filming in Spring.


Team and experience

The short brings together some of the best professionals in the country:

Director and writer: Gustavo Vallecas.

Producer: Demo Reel Estudio.

Director of Photography: Victor Lobato.

Casting and Production: Altea Alcalde.

Music: Poupées Électriques.


Alberto Ferreiro
Héctor Melgares
Ivan Massagué
Carmen Machi
Juan Diego
Alberto Amman
Malena Alterio
Miguel Rellán
Asunción Balaguer
Lluvia Rojo
Pedro Casablanc
Raúl Arevalo
Alfonso Lara
Manuel Morón
Antonio Campos
Mario Tardón
Elisabeth Terry
David Muro
Alexandra Jiménez
Aduardo Velasco

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Social commitment