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Finished 27 / 08 / 2020
$ 4,707
$ 4,210
$ 5,592
71 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1

    Lottery ticket for a book about the project

    The book is currently in production and is an important document defining the project structure and goals. Ten books will be raffled among all participants.

    The draw has no data yet. All participants will be informed when and where it will be done.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 16

    Personalized Textmarkers

    To mark your texts with a pen bearing our logo

    • Receive this reward is optional *

    To receive the rewards you have two options:
    1) If you are from outside Barcelona, ​​by post (Rest of Catalonia and Spain)
    2) If you live in Barcelona you can pick it up at 3 points in the city:
    -La Lleteria, Poble sec.
    Carrer de Salvá 42, 08002

    -La Mainada, Eixample .
    Carrer Rosselló 181 1º3ª, 08036

    -Restaurant La Ikas, Gracia.
    Carrer de la Perla 22, 08012

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 32

    Calender 2020

    Calender containing the childrens' paintings

    • Receive this reward is optional *

    To receive the rewards you have two options:
    1) If you are from outside Barcelona, ​​by post (Rest of Catalonia and Spain)
    2) If you live in Barcelona you can pick it up at 3 points in the city:
    -La Lleteria, Poble sec.
    Carrer de Salvá 42, 08002

    -La Mainada, Eixample.
    Carrer Rosselló 181 1º3ª, 08036

    -Restaurant La Ikas, Gracia.
    Carrer de la Perla 22, 08012

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 38

    Eco-Cotton bags

    Handmade bags

    • Receive this reward is optional *

    To receive the rewards you have two options:
    1) If you are from outside Barcelona, ​​by post (Rest of Catalonia and Spain)
    2) If you live in Barcelona you can pick it up at 3 points in the city:
    -La Lleteria, Poble sec.
    Carrer de Salvá 42, 08002

    -La Mainada, Eixample.
    Carrer Rosselló 181 1º3ª, 08036

    -Restaurant La Ikas, Gracia.
    Carrer de la Perla 22, 08012

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 43


    Handmade T-Shirts

    • Receive this reward is optional *

    To receive the rewards you have two options:
    1) If you are from outside Barcelona, ​​by post (Rest of Catalonia and Spain)
    2) If you live in Barcelona you can pick it up at 3 points in the city:
    -La Lleteria, Poble sec.
    Carrer de Salvá 42, 08002

    -La Mainada, Eixample.
    Carrer Rosselló 181 1º3ª, 08036

    -Restaurant La Ikas, Gracia.
    Carrer de la Perla 22, 08012

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54

    Super Photo

    A special photograph emitting The Big Pinya Energy

    • Receive this reward is optional *

    To receive the rewards you have two options:
    1) If you are from outside Barcelona, ​​by post (Rest of Catalonia and Spain)
    2) If you live in Barcelona you can pick it up at 3 points in the city:
    -La Lleteria, Poble sec.
    Carrer de Salvá 42, 08002

    -La Mainada,

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 108

    Super Photography + Ecological Bag

    Photography Transmitter of the Great Pinya Energy + Bag with drawings made by Pinyones + T-shirt Printed by the Pinyones

    • Receive this reward is optional *

    To receive the rewards you have two options:
    1) If you are from outside Barcelona, ​​by post (Rest of Catalonia and Spain)
    2) If you live in Barcelona you can pick it up at 3 points in the city:
    -La Lleteria, Poble sec.
    Carrer de Salvá 42, 08002

    -La Mainada,

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 162

    Super Photography + Ecological Bag + Pinyeras T-Shirt Description

    Photograph Transmitter of the Great Pinya Energy + Bag with drawings made by Pinyones + T-shirt Printed by the Pinyones

    • Receive this reward is optional *

    To receive the rewards you have two options:
    1) If you are from outside Barcelona, ​​by post (Rest of Catalonia and Spain)
    2) If you live in Barcelona you can pick it up at 3 points in the city:
    -La Lleteria, Poble sec.
    Carrer de Salvá 42, 08002

    -La Mainada,

    > 03 Co-financiers
Our collective reward after Goteo's campaign is already available through our project's website.
This is almost done! Our way through Goteo has also allowed us to explain ourselves.
We made it! Campaign successfully funded in Goteo thanks to lots of people ;)
Great! Minimum funding goal accomplished! Thanks to all of you who supported and spread our campaign in Goteo!

Hem assolit l'objectiu mínim

Família i amigues, ens agradaria agraïr-vos tot el recolzament que ens heu donat en aquesta campanya de crowfunding.
Gràcies a això podem continuar amb el nostre projecte pedagògic, encarar el futur amb l'estabilitat que ens calia, i les...

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3 days are nothing! If you haven't contributed yet, what are you waiting for? These guys already did it.
7 days left and we haven't achieved our minimum goal, ouch! Key time to donate now.

Encarem la recta final

A deu dies del final de la primera ronda, ens trobem amb el 93% del nostre objectiu assolit.
Encara necessitem una petita empenta més per poder encarar el nou any amb optimisme.
Ens ajudes a continuar?
Les teves donacions i la teva**...

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100% is nearly achieved! We are almost there, thank you!

Hem arribat a l'ecuador de la primera ronda

Han passat 20 dies des que vam començar amb aquesta campanya. I ja hem arribat al 85% del nostre objectiu mínim.


Gràcies a la vostra solidaritat podrem continuar acompanyant als nostres infants des de l'amor i el respecte...

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La Pinya a la ràdio

Avui hem estat a radio contrabanda FM parlant d'infància i resistència.
Si ho voleu tornar a sentir, no us perdeu la repetició dimecres a les 00:30 o divendres a les 16:00 al 91.4 fm.
Gràcies, L'Assemblea de Majaras, per aquesta oportunitat...

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After 20 days campaigning in Goteo, it is time to remind you what we're looking for.

Punts de llibre preparats!

Les criatures son part fonamental de la Pinya.
Elles també han col.laborat en preparat part de les recompenses que us farem arribar com a mostra d'agraïment per ajudar-nos a continuar.
Ja tenim enllestits els punts de llibre!

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Estem enllestint les recompenses

Hem passat el día treballant per tenir enllestides les samarretes i les bosses ecològiques aquest dissabte.
A partir del día 20 podreu passar a recollir les vostres recompenses als punts de recollida.
Estem molt contentes de poder agraïr-vos...

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Half way to our goal!

Hem arribat al 50% del nostre objectiu. GRÀCIES

Gràcies pel vostre recolzament. Un cop més, i en un moment de crisi com aquest la solidaritat i fer comunitat és sempre la resposta.
Amb la vostra ajuda les nostres filles podràn continuar creixent lliures i respectades, a un espai construït...

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It's been a week since we're campaigning in Goteo. Do you know who's our target?
We are campaigning in order to achieve our objectives (click here!).

Ens ajudes a difondre la nostra campanya?

Amigues, en menys de 4 dies hem rebut més de 30 col.laboracions, i ens apropem al 40% del nostre objectiu.
Gràcies pel vostre suport, estem molt agraïts!
Encara ens falta una petita empenta per arribar al final. Ens ajudes difonent entre els...

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Who are the people behind the project just launched in Goteo.

Hem arribat al 30% del nostre objectiu

Estem plens d´agraïment, i ens sentim molt recolzats per vosaltres.
La mostra tan inmediata de solidaritat i generositat per part vostra ens ha permés arribar al 30% del nostre objectiu mínim en les primeres hores.
Ens omple d´alegria...

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Gràcies per arribar fins aquí

Llancem aquesta campanya plens d'esperança i il·lusió, amb l'objectiu de mantenir viu aquest espai on veure créixer lliures les nostres filles
Us agraïm el vostre temps, el vostre interès, la vostra solidaritat.

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Tramo inicial de recaudación de campaña logrado. ¡Seguimos!
We have received a donation of €500 in the campaign, thank you!
First few donations, thanks! :)