La ReciCreativa

Finished 01 / 12 / 2017
$ 7,619
$ 4,292
$ 12,125
187 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 5

    Tasting member or patron

    Your name (and city or country) on a wall in the space + 1 month membership (member) or 1 consumption at La ReciCreativa (patron)

    > 36 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 16

    Curious member, coffeephile patron

    Your name (and city or country) on a wall in the space + 1 fabric bag* + badge + 3 month membership (member) or 3 consumptions at La ReciCreativa (patron)

    > 45 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 27

    Very curious member, very coffeephile patron

    Your name (and city or country) on a wall in the space + 1 fabric bag* + badge + 6 month membership (member) or 5 consumptions at La ReciCreativa (patron)

    > 51 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 48

    Serious recicreator member, creative patron

    Your name (and city or country) on a wall in the space + 1 fabric bag* + badge + 1 year membership (member) or participation in 1 workshop** (patron)

    > 27 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 86

    Convinced member, transitioner patron

    Your name (and city or country) on a wall in the space + 1 fabric bag* + badge + participation in 1 workshop** + 1 year membership (member) or guided tour of "Transition City Granada" (patron)

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 107

    Supercommercial patrons

    Name and logo of your business, organization or company presented in our space + your logo in our communications material during 1 year

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 161

    All-you-can-enjoy member, Super recicreative patron

    Your name (and city or country) on a wall in the space + 1 fabric bag + badge + 25 € in consumptions + participation in 3 workshops + 1 year membership (member) or guided tour of "Transition City Granada" (patron)

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 322

    Super eco-creative member, super eco-recicreative patron

    Your name (and city or country) on a wall in the space + 1 fabric bag* + badge + 25 € in consumptions + 25 € voucher for groceries at El Ecosúper** + participation in 5 workshops + 1 year membership (member) or guided tour of "Transition City Granada"*** (patron)

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 537

    Totally awesome member or patron

    Your name (and city or country) on a wall in the space + 1 fabric bag* + badge + 50 € in consumptions + 25 € voucher for groceries at El Ecosúper** + participation in 8 workshops + lifetime membership (member) or guided tour of "Transition City Granada"*** including 2 person accommodation for 1 night if you are traveling to Granada (patron)

    > 01 Co-financiers

187 Co-financiers

0 collaborators

Show donors

$ 16
$ 27
$ 5
$ 27
$ 16
$ 16
$ 16
$ 27
$ 27
Support message:
Frase de Mark Magill, con algún apaño!
$ 48
$ 5
$ 27
$ 27


Hace 6 years
Volunteer members: La ReciCreativa will need many voluntary hands. You can also support the project by offering your time at the workshop, helping other members fix their items, or at the bar, by organizing workshops, or helping run the association.