Laboratorio Ambulante para el Buen Vivir

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Finished 07 / 01 / 2015
€ 13.423
€ 10.174
€ 14.938
111 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 10

    Digital Thank You Postcard

    All donations of 10€ and up will receive a digital "thank you" postcard with images donated by artists and photographers in solidarity with the project.

    > 22 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 20

    Collectives in Action Kit

    Stickers and postcards from Collectives in Action, sent to your home.

    > 18 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 40


    Double-sided, folding poster illustrating stories of resistance, resilience, and solidarity from Mexico to Colombia. A graphic more than 9 years in the making produced by the Beehive Design Collective. + Collectives in Action, sent to your home.

    > 16 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 50

    Mobile Laboratory T-shirt

    A t-shirt designed by the Collectives in Action + Collectives in Action Kit, sent to your home.

    > 29 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 150

    GRAVADO "Una pinta por Mesoamerica"

    Por cada donación hay una recompensa de un gravado único donado por artistas y colectivos que se indentifican con el proyecto.

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 250

    Your name in the Mobile Laboratory

    We'll put your name or the logo of your organization or collective in a designated space on our website, as well as in a space dedicated to collaborators in the mobile laboratory. + Poster + T-shirt + Collectives in Action Kit, sent to your home.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 500

    Visit the Autonomous Center

    Come visit the Autonomous Center for the Intercultural Creation of Appropriate Technologies (CACITA) in Oaxaca, Mexico for 3 - 4 days, with room and board. We'll share our 10+ years of experience cultivating grassroots alternatives, as well as practical knowledge of eco-technologies. + Recognition by CACITA + Graphic poster + T-shirt + Collectives in Action Kit, sent to your home.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 800

    Join the Mobile Laboratory

    Come and form part of the Caravana for the well-being of Mesoamerican peoples in resistance for one week. We will share the experiences and alternatives that we build from Mexico to Panama.

    > 02 Co-financiers

Carta de solidaridad llega desde Mainz

21 | 10 | 2014

"Hola companerxs,

Tuvimos la posibilidad de informarnos sobre sus planes durante una presentación en un centro político en la ciudad Mainz en Alemania. 


Nos parece que esta caravana es una iniciativa super valiosa y creativa no sólo para resistir a los avances del capitalismo depredador en tierras mesoamericanas sino también para seguir construyendo y pintando en cada rinconcito donde estén ese nuevo mundo en donde la solidaridad, el trabajo colectivo, el respeto a la naturaleza y el compañerismo tiene cabida.


Esperamos las informaciones que van a compartir desde el camino y queremos ayudar difundir esta informacion. 


Muchos saludos desde Mainz, el equipo del Infocafé Cronopios"



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