Finished 28 / 03 / 2014
$ 9,350
$ 7,038
$ 14,489
134 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 5

    Web Recognition

    Donor name registration on Proyecto áSILO web.

    > 11 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11

    1 Picture from India (middle size) + Free shipping + Web recognition

    A picture from India taken by our photographers. Your name in our web.

    > 18 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 22

    2 pictures from India (middles size) + free shipping + Web and publication print edition recognition

    Two pictures from India taken by our photographers. Your name in our web and print editions.

    > 16 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 32

    A bag for your books + 2 pictures from India (middle size) + free shipping + Web and publication print edition recognition

    A handwoven bag for your books. Two pictures from India taken by our photographers. Your name in our web and print editions.

    > 18 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 43

    Recipe book + a bag for your books + 2 pictures from India (middle size) + free shipping + Web and publication print edition recognition

    Bharathi´s recipe book. A handwoven bag for your books. Two pictures from India taken by our photographers. Your name in our web and print editions.

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54

    Cultural guide + Recipe book + a bag for your books + 2 pictures from India (middle size) + free shipping + Web and publication print edition recognition

    Cultural guide of India (wandering Bangalore). Bharathi´s recipe book. A handwoven bag for your books. Two pictures from India taken by our photographers. Your name in our web and print editions.escritas

    > 15 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 108

    Graphic Manual + Cultural Guide or Recipe book + a bag for your books + 2 pictures from India (middle size) + free shipping + Web and publication print edition recognition

    Graphic Manual: improving the habitability conditions of people who habits in temporary settlements.
    Cultural guide of India (wandering Bangalore). Bharathi´s recipe book. A handwoven bag for your books. Two pictures from India takManual gráfico de técnicas para la mejora del habitat social en asentamientos marginales. en by our photographers. Your name in our web and print editions.

    > 11 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 269

    Workshop + 2 Graphic Manuals + 2 pictures from India (large size) + free shipping + Web and publication print edition recognition

    Workshops to show Multihabitat-India project and to advise on how to face this type of collaborative project. Two graphic manuals: improving the habitability conditions of people who habits in temporary settlements. Two pictures from India taken by our photographers. Your name in our web and print editions.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 376

    2 Virtual inquiry: Bioclimatic Architecture or Livingston method + Graphic Manual + Cultural guide + Recipe book + a bag for your books + 2 pictures from India (large size) + free shipping + Web and publication print edition recognition

    Two virtual inquiries (two hours) to advise on issues related to bioclimatic architecture or other consultation. Graphic Manual print edition: improving the habitability conditions of people who habits in temporary settlements.
    A handwoven bag for your books. Two pictures from India taken by our photographers. Your name in our web and print editions.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 538

    Full advertising page for your entity in all the print editions + Graphic Manual + Cultural guide + Recipe book + 2 pictures from India (large size) + free shipping

    Full page for advertising publication of your entity in all the print editions. Graphic manual: improving the habitability conditions of people who habits in temporary settlements. Cultural guide of India (wandering Bangalore). Bharathi's recipe book. Two pictures from India taken by our photographers.

    > 01 Co-financiers

About this project

Improvement of social habitat in precarious human settlement in Bangalore (INdia)

Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Field technician
Social worker is head of making contacts and meetings with the different entities in Bangalore: NGO, Universities, collectives...She is head of treat and interpret the people who live in the settlements.
$ 723
Information management
Publication of all the project phases in the web, blog and social-networks.Communication between the different involved agents and beneficiaries.
$ 361
Public edition drafting
Documents drafting: 1.- Graphic manual: improving the habitability of people who habits in temporary settlements. 2.- Traditional recipe book. 3.- Cultural guide.
$ 1,687
Moved Technician
Technician is head of the organization of the project and the first phases that have been developed from october. This technician along with the field technician has visited the NGO, Universities and collectives. He will be the direct link during the work process in Thanisandra.
$ 2,289
Project management
Team is head of establish the process and the organization to get the aims. Activities, resources, funds and process Coordinators.
$ 1,506
Experiencial trainer
Teaching programme drafting and training development.
$ 1,506
Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
Flight tickets
The flight tickets cost of the technicians that have moved to India from Spain and UK.
$ 2,168
Accommodation of the technicians moved in Bangalore (India)
$ 1,048
Sustenance of the technicians of MULTIHABITAT-INDIA team.
$ 464
BANGALORE public transportation
Bangalore public transportation to visit the different GRACE centers, universities and Thanisandra area.
$ 229
Individual rewards
Production and shipment of individual rewards.
$ 358
4 Workshops
Workshops to be carried out in Spain and UK, to show the experience in India and to develop some examples that have been chosen by the participants.
$ 2,151
Total $ 7,038 $ 14,489

General information

A training project on construction and house improving in precarious human settlement by using local materials.
Drafting and editing a manual-book for people who lives in temporal settlements.

The aim of MultiHábitat India is to improve the habitability conditions of most needy people in Bangalore, and try to improve also other people’s conditions through all the knowledge generated, either at another time or in another place. The work is being carrying out, trough the collaboration between Poyecto áSILO, Arquitectura Se Mueve and NGO Grace.
This goal is presented against the backdrop of a complex scene in which is necessary to set strategies and action protocols that are intended to be extrapolated to other situations.
The project is being performed in a working framework based on the making ways of Proyecto áSILO. The collaborative working is one of them. For this reason, the beneficiaries are asked for their implication during the project developing; and besides, they will be able to act as spread agents. We are in a context that offers the following forces sum:

Σ [local architecture + reusing construction + process analysis + new technologies + socialcultural context + worthy living spaces] = Σ [alliance commitment between · (knowledge + people + organizations)]
We start the work wondering three main questions which help us to explain our intentions:
· What are the reasons that cause the presence of these localized and widespread slums at the same time in India?
· What can we do to improve the quality of life of the people who live there?
· Why did we make the decision of coming to India and “make this project up”?

We asked ourselves these questions to create the project bases. It was important to start here to discuss about cooperation concept, and introduce new ideas as well as open knowledge, open processes, making ways, co-working, etc. We have divided the main aim on the followings goals (objectives steps) to structure the work:
1.- Detect the reasons that cause the presence of the slums in the city.
2.- Bear in mind the local, climatic, social and economic conditions.
3.-Detect the achievable improvements according to the quality life on a daily life of a local population. It is necessary to analyse and re-think the habitat where these people live. Besides their houses, it is important the near surroundings, which is constituted of equipments and public spaces, shops and mobilities that connect them. It is essential to consider and analyse how this can affect the women and children population.
4.- Work with local NGDOs as partners with (whom) common objectives to be reached.
5.- Collaborate with Universities that support this type of training processes.
6.- Learn about housing construction or refurbishment.
7.-Draft a graphic manual for housing construction and refurbishment based on materials reusing.

Programme and phases of the project.

1- Agreement between NGODs, Universities and entities which are interested on this initiative. (WE ALREADY GOT COLLABORATOR ENTITIES!)
2.- Choice of working area according to our technical partners suggestions.. (AFTER ANALYSING THE SEVEN SLUMS WE VISITED, WE HAVE DECIDED TO WORK IN THANISANDRA, which is one of the most continual slums, and due to its characteristics it is also the most suitable as knowledge model/prototype)
3.- Analysis of the social, cultural, work, climatic, urban and architectural environment.
4.- Workshop: proposals to solve the problems we have detected between all the participants together. If possible we will carry out the design and construction of a housing prototype, which will be useful as learning and communicative/informative example for the participants of the workshop.
5.- Drafting of the graphic manual that gathers all the work that has been done to enable replication.
6.- Presentation of results.
7.- Workshops in Spain: these workshops will be arranged to show this project to people who may be interested on it. (universities, collectives, NGO, etc).
We are currently working on the development of the three first phases. After the analysis phase, the workshop about the slum will be held in collaboration with the university and the population from the area. We will work together to attempt to solve the identified problems. This is about learning one from other without forgetting the main goal (We await learning from one another without forget the main goal).
We are considering about five months work in India, afterwards we will start to draft the ilustrated manual (already mentioned) in English and Kannada that will gather the proposals to allow other people in similar conditions can use it.

In our opinion the practical-pedagogical task is one of the most important aspects of the projec, this is why we consider work as an integral project with all parties involved (local population, our working team, NGO staff and students from local and foreign universities).

Working places/bases ¿How do we work?
There are three working nodes: one of them is Bangalore with the working team formed by Javi, Bharathi and Shashi; a second one based in the Iberian Peninsula with Paula and Jose Milara, and the triangle is closed in Brighton with Patricia.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

As we have already said, after one and half month of hard work in India, we have achieved two very important goals: a NGO as collaborative party and an intervention area. The slum where we are working is named Thanisandra. The inhabitants will benefit from the proposals and we will use them to create the pattern of the common problems (to apply in similar areas).

mhi-7-mapa.jpg thanisandra-ficha-tecnica-1.jpg thanisandra-ficha-tecnica-2.jpg

Why this is important

What does motivate us?
We want to set up a method based on the COLLABORATIVE LEARNING, and a protocol that allows this model to be exported to other similar places.
What moves us is the idea of creating knowledge that we consider can help people to decide the way they want to live. It is not about instructing or teaching people how they must inhabit, but rather to act as mediators between the current situation and the desired situation, which will be described by them.
We think our task is being a contributor with local people to improve or provide the format that gathers the life way that these people have already designed.

mhi-_8.jpg mhi-_9.jpg

Goals of the crowdfunding campaign

The aim of this crowdfunding campaign is to ensure the project's sustainability. That means being able to afford the indispensable costs to achieve all the objectives.
Field technician (Bharathi Krishna and Javi González)
Project manager (Proyecto áSILO)
Accommodation and meals
Travel costs (flight tickets)
Drafting and publishing of the manual.
Non-monetary needs:

  • Drafters and illustrators for the manual (or manual drafters)
  • Travel agencies to finance the flight ticket or part of it.
  • Office supplies.
  • Laptops.
  • Building materials.
  • Workplaces to carry out the workshops.
    -Printing and binding services.
    This project springs from an own initiative due to our desire/wish to apply our profession to this kind of context. This is why we think it is necessary to find a financial support. The team involved is working to seed this experience and make it grow long-term in Bangalore and elsewhere (Manual).

Team and experience

MULTIHÁBITAT-INDIA springs from a troupe with two branches; one of them is the Social worker (and Volunteerism administrator) and the other one is the architect.
Both are working through Proyecto áSILO (Jose Milara, Paula Ferrando, Patricia Jiménez, Baharathi Krishna), Javi González (ArquitecturaSeMueve), and India (Sashi Mariswamy and GRACE).

In Multihábitat-India team we define ourselves by what we do and how we do it. We therefore believe that jumping into the plunge to make a reality from our ideas is important to build up trust in this kind of collaboration initiatives.

Through Proyecto áSILO blog you can browse examples of our making ways; from refurbishment projects based on reusing materials (Architecture in Development) , to a compost toilet construction with reed (Compost Canyil), and the carrying out of workshops of furniture design (Tire Rocking ).

At the same time that the project has been developed, the entities have been joined, what helps us to make all of this reality: Colectivo Hacia el Ecuador (Chihuahua, México), and Colima University (México). All of them support us with human capital that enhances the group and therefore the project.

Social commitment