Nous enfocs en la lluita contra el càncer de pulmó

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Finished 24 / 11 / 2014
£ 13,351
£ 8,052
£ 12,289
147 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 8


    Personal acknowledgement in the social networking internet sites where our group is currently active

    > 14 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 17


    Acknowledgement in doctoral thesis + In social networking internet sites

    > 28 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 42

    Digital files

    5 digital images of cancer cells + Theses acknowledgment + Acknowledgement in social networking sites

    > 47 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 254

    Laboratory visit

    Guided visit to the laboratory of the research team + 5 digital images of cancer cells + Theses special acknowledgment + Acknowledgement in social networking sites

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 424

    Lab visit & informative seminar

    Laboratory visit + On site informative seminar on the work in progress of the project + 5 digital images of cancer cells + Theses special acknowledgment + Acknowledgement in social networking sites

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 848


    People, institutions and/or companies that fund this project with this or a higher amount will appear as sponsors in all the presentations of results from the project + Laboratory visit + Informative session

    > 01 Co-financiers

Ja hem aconseguit el 95% del mínim en 9 dies! Ya hemos conseguido el 95%! We reached 95%

21 | 10 | 2014

La resposta a aquesta campanya està superant les nostres previsions més optimistes! Ens sentim molt emocionats i agraïts per tot el suport que estem rebent. Moltes gràcies a tothom!

La respuesta de la campaña esta superando nuestras previsiones más optimistas. Nos sentimos muy emocionados y agracedidos por todo el apoyo que estamos recibiendo! Muchas gracias a tod@s!

The first week of this campaign has been much better than our best dreams. We feel very moved and grateful for all the support! Thank you all!


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