Película Documental Equilibrio Marino

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Finished 13 / 03 / 2016
$ 14,996
$ 8,551
$ 21,378
151 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11

    A gratitude message in our website and in the documentary credits

    We will put your name in our section of the website and in the documentary credits as thankfulness due to your help to finance the film.

    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 21

    DVD and more

    We will give you a DVD of the documentary and put your name on a section of the Web and in the credits of the documentary as thanks for having financed the film.

    > 29 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 27

    Blu-ray and more

    We will give you a HD Blu-ray of the documentary and we will put your name on a section of the Web and in the credits of the documentary as thanks for having financed the film.

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 32

    2 Blu-ray or DVD and more

    2 Blu-ray or DVD, 2 shirts of Equilibrio Marino, 2 movie posters and we will put your name on a section of the Web and in the credits of the documentary as thanks for having financed the film.

    > 23 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 37

    Film preview ticket, DVD and more

    Two tickets for the film preview with the team in Malaga or Madrid, DVD, a Equilibrio Marino short, a movie poster and we will put your name on a section of the Web and in the credits of the documentary as thanks for having financed the film.

    > 18 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 43

    Film preview ticket, Blu-ray and more

    Two tickets to the film preview with the team in Malaga or Madrid, Blu-ray, 2 shirts of Equilibrio Marino, 2 movie posters and put your name on a section of the Web and in the credits of the documentary as thanks for having financed the film.

    > 17 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 53


    Three tickets for the film preview with the team in Malaga or Madrid, 3 DVD or Blu-ray, 3 Equilibrio Marino shirts, 3 movie poster and we will put your name on a section of the Web and in the credits of the documentary as a thank you for funding the documentary.

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 75


    Four tickets for the film preview with the team in Malaga or Madrid, 4 DVD or Blu-ray, 4 Equilibrio Marino shirts, 4 movie posters and put your name on a section of the Web and in the credits of the documentary as a thank you for funding the film.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 107


    Four tickets for the film preview with the team in Malaga or Madrid, a Equilibrio Marino partner carnet for surprising gifts from sponsors and an official Equilibrio Marino shirt, 4 DVD or Blu-ray, 4 shirts, 4 movie posters and we will put your name on a section of the web and in the credits of the documentary as thanks for having financed the film.

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 108

    Diving Centers Sponsoring

    We will put your Logo in the credits of the documentary and the web as thanks for having financed the film + Two tickets for the film preview with the team in Malaga or Madrid, 2 DVD or Blu-ray, 2 shirts, 2 movie posters

    > 15 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 321

    Speech on marine protected areas

    Talk and meeting on how to create and manage marine protected areas with the director of the documentary.6 tickets for the film Preview with the team in Malaga or Madrid 6 DVD, 6 movie posters, 6 shirts and putting their names on a section of the Web and in the credits of the documentary as thanks for having financed the film.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 534

    Filming PACK

    Pack for 2 people. Attend to the filming as part of the team, four tickets to the film premiere, 2 booklets, a sponsors surprise gift, 2 Equilibrio Marino shirts, 2 DVDs or Blu-ray, 2 movie posters and putting their names on a section of the web and in the credits of the documentary as thanks for having financed the film.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 641

    Screening, talk and discussion

    We will show you the film, talk and discuss about it. 50 DVDs or Blu-rays, 50 movie posters,50 shirts and with their 50 names in a section of the Web and in the credits of the documentary as thanks for having financed the film .

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,069

    Second Partner

    Your company logo will appear in the credits of the documentary in a way as sponsor for the entire broadcast in cinemas, television, internet, festivals, etc. Your company will be announced in presence acts, indicated in press conferences and in initial promotions in the film previews in Madrid and Malaga and its interests in future festivals or exhibitions. Tickets will be available for representatives of your company to the premiere of Madrid and Malaga. Your company will be represented on posters, photo calls, DVDs or blu rays cover art, etc. Also 50 Blu-ray or DVD will be given.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,138

    First Partner

    (All above and... ) privileged position,size and appearance in all advertising applications.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 4,276

    Main Partner

    (All above and... ) privileged position,size and appearance in all advertising applications.

    > 00 Co-financiers

151 Co-financiers

9 collaborators

Show donors

$ 53
$ 11
$ 160
$ 374


$ 534
$ 21


$ 32
$ 37


$ 261


$ 108
$ 43
$ 107


Hace 8 years
Diffusion : Diffusion of the project campaigns and other publications
8 years ago
Participar de alguna manera en este proyecto es un honor para cualquier amante del mar.
8 years ago
Un proyecto maravilloso y necesario. Me siento orgullosa de poder aportar mi pequeño granito de arena.
8 years ago
Contar con el apoyo de todo el equipo de Buceo Las Negras
8 years ago
Hola Fernando, Gracias por el video; p.f., ¿como podemos colaborar contigo? Saludos
8 years ago
hola antes que nada felicidades por el esfuerzo que realizan. Me gustaría ver la manera de participar, soy publicista, viajero y buzo, actualmente estoy realizando unos cursos de animales marinos, y me gustaría ver la mena más adecuada de involucrarme con ustedes. Gracias arturo Hernández
Hace 8 years
Campaign search: Collaborate to look for a national and international sponsor
Hace 8 years
Search for protected areas with relevance to the objectives of the documentary: Search for problematic locations, poaching or succes stories
8 years ago
Hola de nuevo. Te ofrezco colaboración en "Búsqueda de zonas protegidas con relevancia para los objetivos del documental". ¿Cómo podemos contactar? ¿Algún mail donde pueda escribirte?
8 years ago
Desde Buceo Las Negras os ofrecemos nuestra colaboración dentro del Parque Natural Cabo de Gata-Nijar
Hace 8 years
Buenas tardes.

Nos gustaría colaborar activamente en el proyecto. Es algo más que prestar ayuda económica, es más bien personal. Como club de buceo de Granada, tenemos que decir que la reserva de Maro es una de nuestras zonas favoritas para el buceo. Desgraciadamente hemos visto hacer de todo en la Costa Tropical y queremos ayudar a preservarla. Queremos aportar nuestro granito de arena.

Para lo que necesitéis: barco, buzos, difusión, instalaciones para reuniones o charlas, equipos, zonas de buceo en la Costa Tropical granadina, lo que sea, no dudéis en contar con nuestro apoyo.

Gracias por la labor que realizáis.
Hace 8 years
AOLDE RADIO colabora decididamente con los proyectos dirigidos a la conservación y protección de los mares, sus ecosistemas y la biodiversidad marina y, por supuesto, con cualquier iniciativa encaminada a recuperar, algún día, el imprescindible EQUILIBRIO MARINO.
8 years ago
Gracias por vuestra colaboración Rol Freeman y AOLDE RADIO. Habéis sido imprescindibles para dar a conocer nuestro proyecto al sector del buceo y la conservación. Infinitas gracias por vuestro trabajo y gran dedicación por la protección del medio marino.