SOS investigació en Parkinson

Finished 22 / 05 / 2014
€ 10.000
€ 8.000
€ 10.000
131 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 10

    Reward 1

    personal acknowledgement in the Lab's Facebook

    > 17 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 20

    Reward 2

    We will aknowledge your personal contribution in any thesis obtained with the funding

    > 36 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 50

    Reward 3

    Ten digital images of relevant cells to our research + personal acknowledgement in the Lab's Facebook

    > 33 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 300

    Reward 4

    Those who have contributed and are interested, they can visit our lab for a day and can help us to do research.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 1.000

    Premium reward

    The organization will be included as official sponsor of the research group, with corresponding tax benefits and recognition in all relevant activities of the group. The organization will be invited to an informational meeting and a personal visit of the laboratory.

    > 01 Co-financiers

Resum setmanal/resumen semanal/ weekly update!

30 | 03 | 2014

Hola cofinançadors! Estem arribant a la recta final d'aquesta aventura. Com podeu veure estem a un 67% del nostre objectiu, per tant encara ens queda un 33% per aconseguir. He contactat fundacions, empreses i personalitats rellevants perquè ens ajudin però malauradament no he aconseguit cap resposta satisfactòria. Tot i així, i gràcies a la vostra ajuda hem aconseguit arribar a aquest 67%. Una vegada més us demano que feu arribar la campaña als vostres coneguts, familiars, amics i veïns per tal de dona-li una empenta final i a veure si el dia 11 d'Abril arribem a aquest 100%. Només recordar-vos que si no hi arribem, se us retornaran les vostres aportacions. A veure si ho aconseguim!! Moltíssimes gràcies a tots vosaltres!!!

Hola cofinanciadores! Estamos llegando a la recta final de esta aventura. Como pueden ver estamos a un 67% de nuestro objetivo, por tanto aún nos queda un 33% para conseguirlo. He contactado a fundaciones, empresas y personalidades relevantes que nos ayuden pero desafortunadamente no he conseguido ninguna respuesta satisfactoria. Aún así, y gracias a vuestra ayuda hemos logrado llegar a este 67%. Una vez más les pido que hagan llegar la campaña a sus conocidos, familiares, amigos y vecinos para dale un empujón final ya ver si el día 11 de Abril llegamos a este 100%. Sólo recordarles que si no llegamos al 100%, se les devolverán sus aportaciones. A ver si lo conseguimos! Muchísimas gracias a todos vosotros!

Hello Co-financers! We are reaching the final stages of this adventure. As you can see we are at 67% of our goal, so we still need to get a 33%. I contacted foundations, companies and personalities to help us but unfortunately I did not get any satisfactory answer. However, thanks to your help we managed to get to that 67%. Again I ask if you would tell about this campaign to your acquaintances, relatives, friends and neighbors to give a final push and see if we get this 100% on the 11th of April . Just remember that if we do not get there, your contributions will be refunded to you. Let's see if we achieve our goal! Many thanks to all of you!


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