SOS investigació en Parkinson

Finished 22 / 05 / 2014
£ 8,453
£ 6,762
£ 8,453
131 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 8

    Reward 1

    personal acknowledgement in the Lab's Facebook

    > 17 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 17

    Reward 2

    We will aknowledge your personal contribution in any thesis obtained with the funding

    > 36 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 42

    Reward 3

    Ten digital images of relevant cells to our research + personal acknowledgement in the Lab's Facebook

    > 33 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 254

    Reward 4

    Those who have contributed and are interested, they can visit our lab for a day and can help us to do research.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 845

    Premium reward

    The organization will be included as official sponsor of the research group, with corresponding tax benefits and recognition in all relevant activities of the group. The organization will be invited to an informational meeting and a personal visit of the laboratory.

    > 01 Co-financiers

Última setmana/ última semana/only one week left

04 | 04 | 2014

Hola tots els cofinançadors i còmplices d'aquesta campanya. Us escric per agraïr-vos tota l'ajuda que ens heu donat. Enfilem doncs la nostra última setmana on hem d'arribar si o si als 8000 euros, sinó se us retornaran totes les vostres aportacions. Per tant, si podeu compartir l'enllaç amb els vostres amics família o la veïna del cinquè serà perfecte. Serà l'empenta final!!! De veritat que us envio tot el nostre agraïment i procurarem treballar al màxim en aquest projecte tant prometedor!
Una abraçada

Hola todos los cofinanciadores y cómplices de esta campaña. Os escribo para agradeceros toda la ayuda que nos habéis dado. Comenzamos pues nuestra última semana donde tenemos que llegar si o si a los 8000 euros, sino serán devueltas todas vuestras aportaciones. Por lo tanto, si podéis compartir el enlace con sus amigos, familia o la vecina del quinto será perfecto. Será el empujón final! De verdad que os envío todo nuestro agradecimiento y procuraremos trabajar al máximo en este proyecto tanto prometedor!
un abrazo

Hello all co-financers and accomplices of this campaign. I am writing to thank you for all the help you have given us. We are starting our last week where we have to reach to 8000 euros, if not you all will be refunded. So if you can share the link with your friends or family or the neighbor from the fifth floor will be perfect. It will be the final push! I Really send you all our thanks and we will work very hard on this so promising project!


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