Tercer disco de Los Sundayers

Finished 07 / 09 / 2012
$ 7,112
$ 5,910
$ 9,316
165 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 5

    Digital download in advance, and listing in the album's credits.

    You'll be listed as a co-producer in the album's credits, and you'll be able to download the album before its official publication.

    > 14 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 13

    The CD of the new album.

    We'll send you the album in CD format (shipping costs not included outside Spain) + You'll be listed as a co-producer in the album credits + You'll be able to download the album before its official publication.

    > 32 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 21

    Ticket for the album launch concert in one of the tour cities of your choice.

    Ticket for the launch show in any city of the tour (autumn-winter 2012) + The album in CD format + You'll be listed as a co-producer in the album credits + You'll be able to download the album before its official publication

    > 11 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 27

    Sundayers T-shirt

    We'll send you a cool T-shirt of the band + Ticket for the album launch show in any city of the tour (autumn-winter 2012) + The album in CD format + You'll be listed as a co-producer in the album credits + You'll be able to download the album before its official publication

    > 64 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54

    Double pack

    2 CDs signed by the members of the band + 2 tickets for the album launch tour show + 2 Sundayers T-shirts + You'll be listed as a co-producer in the album credits + You'll be able to download the album before its official publication

    > 23 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 107

    An invitation to visit the album recording for two people.

    You will be able to come to the studio where we'll be recording, appear in the making-of video and have some beers with us! + 2 CDs signed by the band's members + 2 tickets for the album launch tour show + 2 Sundayers T-shirts + You'll be listed as a co-producer in the album credits + You'll be able to download the album before its official publication

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 537

    Exclusive show

    We'll play in an exclusive show for 40 or 50 people. Get your friends together and have a great party! (Madrid area only) + You will be able to come to the studio where we'll be recording, appear in the making-of video and have some beers with us! + 2 CDs signed by the band's members + 2 tickets for the album launch tour show + 2 Sundayers T-shirts + You'll be listed as a co-producer in the album credits + You'll be able to download the album before its official publication

    > 01 Co-financiers

¡Objetivo cumplido!

11 | 09 | 2012
¡Objetivo cumplido!

Después de 80 días de intensa actividad en torno a nuestro crowdfunding, moviéndolo y promocionándolo por todas las redes sociales y convenciéndo a tanta gente de que esta aventura merecía la pena y que también era vuestra...¡por fin ya podemos decir que hemos conseguido la cofinanciación de nuestro tercer disco!, ¡¡Mil gracias a los 165 coproductores que nos han apoyado y a toda la gente que ha difundido el proyecto y nos ha animado durante todo este tiempo!!, es un enorme placer saber que tantas personas confían en esta banda y nos dejaremos la piel para grabar un álbum que os emocione e ilusione como a nosotr@s.

Ya tenemos fechas de grabación cerradas para las diez canciones que compondrán el disco. Para poder preparar mejor la producción lo hemos retrasado para empezar el 1 octubre y terminar alrededor del 22. Luego Ferni Duhalde se pondrá con las mezclas y hasta finales de noviembre no lo enviaremos a Maldito Records, así que esperamos que a mediados de diciembre podamos empezar con los envíos de las recompensas individuales. Y casi con toda seguridad, la gira comenzará en diciembre o enero de 2013, ¡así que confiamos en vuestra paciencia y aseguramos que la espera merecerá la pena!

¡Os iremos manteniendo al tanto de las novedades con vídeos de la grabación y alguna sorpresa más!


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