Sunseed Desert Technology

Finished 10 / 05 / 2022
€ 8.505
€ 6.000
€ 18.000
157 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 5

    Special thank you!

    Your name will feature on our special thank you section of our website and on our Facebook page. You'll join the Sunseed saviour hall of fame!

    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 15

    Sunseed postcard with a heartfelt handwritten message

    We'll send you a beautiful postcard with a personalised message and our undying love.

    > 12 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 20

    Grow a tree in the desert!

    You'll have your own tree or shrub named after you in the new agroforestry garden that we've created in Diego III. We'll send you a picture and personalised message to thank you :)

    Also, whenever you come to Sunseed in the future, you'll be able to visit your tree and know that it was thanks to your contribution that we could continue our work on Diego III, turning it into the productive and biodiverse syntropic agroforestry system that we know it can become!

    > 31 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 25

    Medicinal plants e-book (83 pages long)

    This thoroughly-researched and beautifully illustrated e-book teaches you how to make your own natural first aid kit, as well as providing detailed information about how to identify, grow, harvest, dry and use 37 medicinal plants. All of these plants grow - or have been grown - in Sunseed's medicinal garden, but many of them are commonly found across Europe and other continents (for example mint, basil, rosemary, St John's wort, comfrey, nettle etc).

    The e-book will be sent to you in PDF format (easily accessible on most devices).

    > 25 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 30

    Sunseed recipe e-book

    For any ex-Sunseeders or past visitors of Sunseed who would love to recreate some of the amazing vegetarian food they ate here, from the homemade sourdough bread to the many different spreads and houmous varieties, as well as creative ways to use leftovers and seasonal vegetables.

    This PDF e-book will include our current personal favourites, as well as recipes that have been passed down from previous generations of Sunseeders. Other useful tips like how to make homemade vinegar from citrus peels will also be in there!

    > 17 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 35

    Private yoga lesson at Sunseed with Rosa

    Come to Sunseed and enjoy a 1.5 hour private yoga lesson with Rosa, one of our Sunseed core team who also happens to be a yoga teacher! The lesson will take place either in our dome, a cosy private space surrounded by nature, or outside depending on the weather. Feel free to bring one or two others along with you (maximum group size is 3 people).

    Optional: for an additional €20, you can follow your yoga lesson with a 1-hour yoga nidra meditation offering by Billie (another of our qualified yoga teachers!) and afterwards share a nutritious vegetarian meal with us at Sunseed before going home.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 100

    'Immersive Sunseed Day' experience (to be planned in the month of April)

    Spend the morning on a 2-hour foraging walk led by Silvia, learning how to identify edible wild plants in the nature surrounding Sunseed. Then bring your foraging harvest to a cooking workshop led by Silvia and Billie, learn the best vegetarian recipes using wild herbs, and eat your delicious foraged lunch together with the Sunseed community.

    After lunch, join a guided tour of the Sunseed project, and learn all about our permaculture gardens and our off-grid systems.

    Finally, end the day with a fungi workshop led by Ines, learning about the different fungi-related projects and experiments we are doing at Sunseed!

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 100

    Sunseed box of food preserves and homemade, biodegradable cosmetic products

    We will send you a box of products that we make ourselves: tinctures, natural toothpaste, deodorant, skin cream and ointment, as well as some of our food preserves, such as our jams and marmalades. We will also put in 5 Sunseed postcards.

    We can post this box of goodies to anywhere within Spain.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 200

    Be our guest! (1 - 2 people)

    Enjoy a two-night stay in a private room at Sunseed, with all your (organic and vegetarian) meals cooked for you. We would offer you a guided tour of our project and also a guided hike of the surrounding area if you would be interested, otherwise you are also very welcome to explore and enjoy the natural environment on your own as you wish. Take a swim in our beautiful natural pool (poza), rest in a hammock or explore abandoned, ancient villages like nearby El Tesoro.

    This reward is for one or two people (if two, you would stay in the same room). Your stay with us would need to be before the end of June 2022, but otherwise we can be quite flexible about your preferred dates.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 400

    Free ticket to future Sunseed course of your choice

    This reward gives one person a free ticket to a week-long course of their choice that will be held by Sunseed within 2022. We are currently planning to hold various courses before the end of this year.

    > 00 Co-financiers

Celebrating the success of our crowdfunding and last Sunday's Festival del Agua!

13 | 05 | 2022

To our dear supporters,

We're very happy and proud to share that (following an extra 30-day round provided by Goteo), in total we have received €8,505 to buy our Diego gardens, so our campaign has been 141% funded! Once we have organised the paperwork with Goteo, 100% of this money will go directly to Diego's daughters to pay off a large chunk of the land price, meaning that we have secured this land for the future of the project, yay!

Encuentro por la Justicia del Agua
In other news, last Sunday we held a one-day version of our annual Festival del Agua, an 'Encuentro por la Justicia del Agua' (Meeting for Water Justice) in collaboration with Acuíferos Vivos and Extinction Rebellion Almería. It was a great success, with around 150 people attending and a full schedule of talks, tours and workshops, all in Spanish (see photos above for an idea of the vibes of the day!). We worked hard for weeks to prepare and promote this event and are incredibly happy with the outcome. This has been the first time we could hold the Festival del Agua in person (on site) since 2019, due to Covid restrictions.

Staff vacancies open!
We are now approaching the end of Sunseed's transition/renovation period (January - June 2022) and so the contracts of our wonderful transition team staff members - who have given so much to the project these past months - will end, and we are looking for new caretakers of this beautiful project. If you're curious to know more, please check out the staff vacancies on our website.

Rewards on the way :)
In the meantime, if you have not yet been contacted about receiving your reward, again our apologies for the delay (as any ex-Sunseeders may know, we are endlessly juggling so many priorities here with a small, rather understaffed team!) and rest assured that we will get back to you as soon as we can, within the next week. We love you and are so grateful for each and every contribution - thank you for making this dream possible - long live Sunseed!!

Stay in touch with Sunseed
This will be our last Goteo blog but if you want to stay updated about Sunseed news, you can:

Thanks again for being a part of our journey and the 36-year history of this amazing project!

On behalf of Sunseed's transition team:
Holly, Lara, Harry, Billie, Rosa, Chloe, Jeltje, Mattia, Michael and Gonzalo - not forgetting Idir (honorary transition team member) and Ines (our intern) 💚💚💚


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