Swingdigentes graban disco... ¡En la calle!

Finished 18 / 03 / 2014
$ 10,893
$ 9,808
$ 14,167
254 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 5

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11

    Advance Download

    Support us with 10Eur and have the album before anyone else. Also your name will be in the credits and in the thanks video.

    > 32 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 16

    The Physical Album, but better than CD.

    CDs are for frightening birds….Here we give you everything on a USB flash drive!!! And of course advance download, your name in the credits, and our acknowledgements.

    > 92 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 33

    Download, Pendrive and T-Shirt

    To all this you have to add an exclusive T-shirt that will let us remember this adventure.

    > 63 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 44

    Nostalgia? Take the vinyl!!!!

    All the above and our album on vinyl, we have class.

    > 30 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 87

    All merchandising

    We have a team of craftsmen working day and night to create all kinds of Swingdigentes products. Choose this award and take it all: bracelets, pendants, earrings, clipboard, briefcase ... In addition to all the above, if you send us a picture of you we'll stick it up in the van next to the stamps of the saints ...

    > 15 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 218

    Master Class: our concentrated knowledge.

    A Master Class for up to 15 persons, percussion and dance taught by our drummer and our dancers.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 436

    Workshop: we explain all

    Masterclass If you know a little, we can show it all in a morning and afternoon session.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,090

    Swingdigentes Show!

    We go where you want and we perform! Ask us conditions (or lack of them).

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,635

    Concert + workshops

    The complete package: we spend the day with dance and percussion workshops, and end with a show in which we engage our pupils. Not allowed for embarassing ones!!

    > 01 Co-financiers

About this project


Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Disc recording
Minimum to bring the studio to the street two days (soundboard, microphones, multitrack recorders, producer and technical) and to record the most delicate parts inside.
$ 5,449
Good video / documentary
Everyone likes to have everything they need. Our video team, too. And if you have steadicam rails, cranes and those exciting things, the better your work.
$ 2,180
Optimum recording
The optimum amount to record is what we want. Because we don't want to miss any studio time or mixing - you can master a little better with a title more time.
$ 1,090
Good video / documentary
Everyone likes to have everything they need. Our video team, too. And if you have steadicam rails, cranes and those exciting things, the better your work.
$ 1,090
Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Video / Documentary
Minimum Sum for recording the documentary, the making-of, and other audiovisual material. Rental of cameras, lenses, steadicam, poles, microphones, voice recorders ...
$ 2,180
optimum rewards
If we get the optimal we can be sure that the USB flash drives will be groovy (man) and very good capacity, high-quality shirts, and a gift for all!
$ 1,090
Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
spectacular video
If apart from recording a great album we can perform the Big Idea that's sparking in our neurons, you would freak out. But what we thought was too crazy, so we need 2000 euros to move between different locations (we cannot say more) ...
$ 1,090
Total $ 9,808 $ 14,167

General information

Swingdigentes record album…..on the streets!!

Swingdigentes (a street music and dance company) will record our first album, taking a professional studio to the street.
For those who don’t know anything about us, we formed and grew up in the streets of Madrid, and thanks to hard work and a bit of luck we managed to travel to a good number of countries, going to street festivals and music or dance festivals, apart from streets themselves, all this without any album recorded…
After this two year adventure, we are launching our first audiovisual work to reach even further. And it couldn’t be any other way than by taking a professional studio to the street to record four live sessions in two days, so that all people can see it either live or online on the internet. After those street sessions we will go to the studio for a few weeks to get the best result possible!

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

All this will be included in a wonderful and exclusive house-brand Pendrive (as we believe that CDs and DVDs only serve to scare away pigeons, and there are many more advanced devices for that use). The USB memory will be released with the audio album, the recording process Making Off, a 50 minute documentary about the two years we have been touring, a photo album and a videoclip.
Of course we don’t forget the format that has proven its worth for a hundred years: The vinyl record, for geeks and purists like us!! Yes, we will also have the audio album on that format.
So the time to ask for help has come. If you want to collaborate and support the project ‘Put money to into the hat 2.0.” , thank you very much and happy new year 2014!!!


Why this is important

We continue to believe that it's possible to change things.
Our dream as a collective of people is to keep making our lives in music, to keep playing hard in the streets at the same time as advancing a few steps to reach more places and people.
Whatever happens we will keep on playing in the streets, in Madrid and the rest of the world. Shiver, Ana Botella, in 2014 you will remember the Swingdigentes name!!
If you knew us before, or if you have found us now and you like our work, don’t hesitate to join the project and to be our patron!!

Goals of the crowdfunding campaign

Since we want to release good material for the people that's useful and enjoyable, since all the technical stuff is extremely expensive, since we cannot pass the hat to those who rent us the super expensive equipment, we have to reverse the hat. In the streets, or in the rooms where you see our show, and depending on the result and what you like or not, you value our work by putting money in the hat. Here we ask you, your friends, your families, your acquaintances or followers, to trust us and help us to get great quality material, by giving your economical contribution before seeing the result.
In this audiovisual work we want to show you what has brought us here with the highest professional quality. We will take professional technicians with live recording equipment to the streets to capture the live album show and the street audience atmosphere. After that it will go to a professional studio to fix everything up and re-record some stuff, and finally the mastering process. The audiovisual team will also produce the film, editing the material we have stored for two years to create the Swingdigentes documentary.
In case we reach the maximum goal, we will create a radical, extreme and amazing videoclip, in which you will see us playing in the most difficult situations (parachute jumping, the top of a mountain, underwater, high speed driving, bungee jumping…) that we expect it will be known and seen worldwide. Also we will increase the quality of the technical equipment to offer better audio work, and we will be able to spend more time in the studio for the final audio album. And lastly we will give you the result of all our work in a nice custom pendrive in special hat-shaped collector's edition!!!!
We assure you we will give you everything!!!


Team and experience

Since we met in 2011, on two crazy years Swingdigentes managed to travel through twelve countries in Europe performing in festivals such as Urban Dance Theater 2012, Innsbruck(Austria), Pflasterspektakel 2012, Linz(Austria), Ferrara Buskers Festival 2013(Italy), Novi Sad Street Art Festival(Serbia), Macedonia Busker Festival 2013, Iboga Summer Festival 2013(Spain), Buskers Wien2013(Austria) as well as rooms and streets in Hungary, Serbia, Holland, Belgium, France, Croatia, Austria and Turkey.
The successful Spanish tour “Iros todos a la Gorra’’(All go to the hat) , a music room experiment with one premise: ‘No entrance fee, you put the money to the hat at the end’’ has led us between October and December 2013 to the Berlin Room (Ourense), Explosivo Club(Zaragoza), Nasa Room (Santiago de Compostela) and Tren Room (Granada).
Now we return to Madrid, where we were born and where we started the idea of the ‘’music rooms to the hat’’ in December 2012 at the Caracol Room.
During the weeks before the End of Tour Show (27th and 28th December at the Penelope Room) we will be playing in the streets of the Spanish capital, despite not having taken the public test for street performers, imposed on Madrid by the City Council.

Miguel Carabano Rubianes (Rhythm guitar)
Natanael Estevez Alonso (Saxophone)
Jose Antonio Filgueira Guimera (Show Host and Recycled Percussion)
Sebastian Rodriguez De Cara (Lead Guitar)
Dario Santamaria Romero (Flute)
Roberto Manzano Marcos (Dance)
Manuel Redolosis Fernandez (Dance and Sound Effects)

Video & lighting crew: Diana Uvi, Javier Andaluz, Luis Olano


Social commitment