Tropical Camp

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Finished 28 / 06 / 2015
£ 4,589
£ 4,378
£ 7,325
91 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 8

    You like our idea and you want to support us

    You want to help us make this festival possible, even though you might not even come to the event. A much appreciated gesture! We will thank you by naming you in the festival’s review video which will be edited after the event.

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 21

    Camiseta del Tropical Camp

    Colabora con esta aportación para poder hacer realidad este festival y llévate a cambio la camiseta del Tropical Camp.
    Gastos de envío incluidos a nivel europeo.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 25

    1 Festival Ticket with right to camping for one person

    You have decided to come to the Tropical Camp and stay the whole weekend and enjoying this unique experience. A tropical weekend where you will have a blast!

    > 58 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 34

    Festival Ticket with right to camping + T-shirt

    You have decided to come to the Tropical Camp and stay the whole weekend enjoying this unique experience and get your own Festival T-shirt.

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 46

    Festival Ticket with right to camping + meals

    Apart from a festival ticket and the right to camping for the whole weekend, you will have meals for breakfast, lunch (Saturday and Sunday) and dinner (Friday and Saturday)

    > 16 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 55

    Festival ticket with right to camping + meals + T-shirt

    You will come to the Tropical Camp with your Festival T-shirt and have your meals covered while there. Meals include: breakfast (Saturday and Sunday), lunch (Saturday and Sunday) and dinner (Friday and Saturday).

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 84

    V.I.P. ticket with right to camping + meals + T-shirt + acknowledgements during the festival

    Apart from coming to the festival, you want to help us and we’ll reward you. We’ll give you a ticket with right to camping, a T-shirt, all the meals, several beer tickets, stickers, badges and you’ll be named by our artists during the festival, receiving all the honors you deserve.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 168

    Advice for making your own event with solar power

    You support us, but also, if you’re interested in making your own solar powered event, we will give you advice to power your event by the sun. Our crew has a long experience working with mobile photovoltaic systems tailored for events.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 253

    SECOND-CLASS SPONSOR. Your corporate image in Tropical Camp

    You can help us while your company or project benefits as well. We think that we’ll have an impact in the media since this will be the first festival in Spain powered entirely with solar energy and you will benefit from this exposure as well. As a second-class sponsor, your logo can be in the venue, it will appear in the review video and the posters. The second-class sponsor will have half the visibility of the first-class sponsor.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 421

    Our soundsystem powered by solar energy will be available for your event

    If you are planning to make an event, we will offer the services of our soundsystem powered by solar energy for one day. The whole system is installed in a van with a sound system, so wherever the van can go, the sun party goes! Transport expenses (fuel, kilometres) not included.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 505

    FIRST-CLASS SPONSOR: your corporate image in Tropical Camp

    You can help us while you benefit as well. We think that we’ll have an impact in the media since this will be the first festival in Spain powered entirely with solar energy. As a first-class sponsor, your logo will be the most and best displayed one in the venue and will have a special room in the review video and posters. First-class sponsor will have double the visibility than second-class sponsor.

    > 01 Co-financiers

90% y 5 dias para terminar la campaña

23 | 06 | 2015
90% y 5 dias para terminar la campaña

A 5 días para terminar la campaña llevamos casi el 90% recaudado, estamos casi a punto de conseguirlo, pero nos hace falta el empujón final.

Seguro que tienes algún amigo que esta diciendo que viene al Tropical Camp pero que aún no ha hecho una donación para conseguir su entrada, me consta que hay muchos así. Recordarles que solo quedan 5 días para terminar la campaña y nos hace falta este último empuje para conseguirlo. Todo o nada.

Através de esta campaña puedes conseguir tu entrada a 30€
Desde el día 28 de junio hasta el 9 de julio podrás conseguir tu entrada en a 35€
En puerta durante el festival: 40€

Confirmación de última hora!! El gran Rafael Aragon estará presente en el Tropical Camp para hacer una sesión en vivo a la caida del sol el sábado.

Recuerdale a tus amig@s que no se pueden perder este gran encuentro único en la naturaleza.



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