Vega Laureana

Finished 29 / 04 / 2016
£ 16,192
£ 15,236
£ 27,749
100 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 9


    Special mention as a collaborator

    > 18 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 26

    Mention and notebook

    Special Mention as a collaborator and a custom Vega Laureana notebook.

    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 60

    Mention, notebook and Paella lunch

    Special mention as a collaborator, a custom Vega Laureana notebbok and an invite to a Paella lunch in Vega Laureana.

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 85

    Mention, notebook, corporal percussion workshop and Paella lunch

    Special mention as a collaborator, a custom Vega Laureana notebbok, an invite to a Paella lunch in Vega Laureana and a free corporal percussion workshop (for adults) that will take place the same day.

    > 15 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 170

    Mención, 2 libretas y sesión fotográfica familiar

    Mención como colaborador, dos libretas de Vega Laureana (a recoger), y una sesión fotográfica familiar (en Aranjuez)

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 170

    Mention, 2 notebooks and Paella lunch for one familly

    Special mention as a collaborator, two custom Vega Laureana notebooks and a family invite to a Paella lunch (two adults plus kids).

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 213

    Mention, 2 notebooks, Paella lunch for one familly and corporal percussion workshop for 2 adults

    Special mention as a collaborator, two custom Vega Laureana notebooks, a family invite to a Paella lunch (two adults plus kids) and a free corporal percussion workshop (two adults) that will take place the same day.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 426

    Mention, 2 notebooks and a selection of educational games

    Special Mention as a collaborator, two custom Vega Laureana notebooks and a selection of the best available educational games (logic, strategy, geometry, etc.) for kids and adults.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 638

    Mention, 2 notebooks and mute cinema session with live music at your home

    Special mention as a collaborator, two custom Vega Laureana notebooks and a mute cinema session accompanied by live music at your home (Madrid state and surroundings).

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 851

    Mention, 4 notebooks and 4 invites to dinner and concert

    Special mention as a collaborator, four custom made Vega Laureana notebooks and four invites for a visit to the school with dinner and a concert included.

    > 02 Co-financiers

About this project

An active space to grow up

Needs Task Minimum Optimum
International accreditation. Step 1
Vega Laureana wants to be an accredited school. For that reason we are going to apply in order to obtain the accreditation as an American School through NEASC (New England Association of Schools and Colleges). The first step is to apply for this credential providing the necessary documents, which involves procedure costs.
£ 1,192
The payments made by the families have been calculated in order to make the school sustainable for 18 kids and 3 teachers (necessary minimum to insure the correct functioning of the pre-Primary, Primary School and exterior spaces). Since this year we have 8 kids, each month the costs (mentioned previously) surpass the income. As promoters, we have invested 20000 Euros of initial capital, but it is not enough to finish the school year.
£ 14,045
International accreditation. Step 2
The second step towards accreditation is to receive two visits from NEASC, the first after receiving the application, and the second after the school obtains said credential, both involving processing, transport and dietary costs.
£ 6,895
The constant training received by the teachers is a priority in Vega Laureana, and we want it to be kept that way. We have scheduled courses to take part in, both online and on-site, as well as practices in other centres.
£ 1,447
Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
Facility upgrades
The upgrade of the facilities is oriented to provide the children with better experiences: tarps making it possible for them to be outdoors if it is raining, wooden climbing structures to help them develop their limits and body control, a movement salon, and a vegetable patch.
£ 2,468
Needs Material Minimum Optimum
We have to buy new learning and educational materials in order to offer the kids even more growing possibilities, to help them experiment and make discoveries, and offering them the chance to develop their interests.
£ 1,702
Total £ 15,236 £ 27,749

General information

Vega Laureana is an Active School for children between the ages of 3 and 12.

An environment where children can grow, learn, develop, expand, feel, do, live, wonder, create, and be happy. Each child in its own way, getting ready for life, present and future.

"One can only learn what one loves, what brings something new, that means something, that stands out from the surroundings. Without emotion there is no curiosity, no attention, no learning process, no memory."
Francisco Mora, PhD in Neuroscience by the University of Oxford.

".....every child believes whole heartedly in their own talent. The reason being is that they do not fear mistakes.....Till the system increasingly teaches them that errors exists and that they must fear them.....if you are not ready to make mistakes, you will never get it right, you will only cope. You will not be original.....Education should help everyone find our intelligence and not limit itself to direct us towards the same kind of talent."
Ken Robinson, teacher, writer, expert in creativity.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

For each of the words that define us to become a reality, the children are given time and freedom of choice, in a surrounding rich in experience, immersed in nature. We give equal importance to all facets of the kids: intellectual, physical, and emotional. They feel loved, respected and safe. Then, they are ready to discover the world.

We firmly believe that the child's interests are at the core of their learning process, and we think that creativity is basic in educational development.

In practice, all of this translates into a project in which active listening, observation and personalized attention are fundamental.Therefore we have established to have a maximum of 8 children per mentor in ages 3 to 6. In ages 6 to 12 the ratio is of 10 children.

In this moment we dispose of 3 mentors, the minimum necessary to achieve the goals of the school, including the free access to the exterior.

For more info, please contact us at:

Why this is important

Vega Laureana is created from the efforts made by Marimar and Manuel, parents to a 4-year-old boy and a 7-year-old girl, engineers, and for the past 7 years, passionate about respectful raising up and education. A year ago we decided to create our own school, a pioneer project in the South Madrid area.

The school is geared toward all those families that look for a this understanding of education.

Goals of the crowdfunding campaign

Vega Laureana's ambition is not to be a business, but a sustainable school. The fees contributed by the families have been reduced to the bare minimum required to cover the costs of the ratios described above. The schools accounting is accessible to anyone.

The schools expenses are:
• Mentors/teachers salary (the third is currently not getting paid, she is the promotor and both her children attend Project :-) ).
• Subsidy of 50% of training courses for the educational team.
• Property rent.
• Insurance.
• License.
• Common expenses: firewood, light, internet, fruit, water.
• Maintenance.
• Consumer goods.
• Learning materials, depending on the interests of the children.
• Upgrading of exterior spaces.
• Furniture.

The project began with an initial investment of 20000 €, that was used for the reform of the interior and exterior spaces, the purchase of materials, and covering the rest of the expenses needed to cover what the income does not provide, since in this first year we have 8 children. However, this capital is insufficient to allow us to finish the academic year and be able to face the necessary investment to allow us to keep growing and improving.

Therefore, we require your help to continue. Your contributions will be destined to:

• International accreditation.
• Ordinary expenses until the end of the year.
• Pedagogic team training.
• Facilities improvement.
• Learning materials.

Thank you very much!

Team and experience

The team of Vega Laureana is made up of:

Promoters: Marimar Olveira and Manuel Reyes.
Pedagogic Team: Patricia Incio, Saúl Jiménez and Marimar Olveira.

Marimar and Manuel are trained aeronautical engineers. The birth of our first child made us rethink certain priorities in life, especially the way we look at the world. We have read materials, attended courses and conferences… Along with another person we founded an association for the promotion of breastfeeding and respectful upbringing in Aranjuez. As our children grew up, the importance for quality in education, cantered around children, trusting them and their innate curiosity, grew and became a priority. That is how Vega Laureana came to be.

After a long selection process, we incorporated two teachers: Patricia and Saul.

Patricia is a pre-Primary School teacher. She has training in different alternative pedagogies, also bringing doses of enthusiasm to both kids and adults.

Saúl is a Primary School teacher with more than 15 years of experience. A lively and receptive musician that has studied Montessori Pedagogy, Manipulative Mathematics and Emotional Accompaniment.

The teaching team is completed by Marimar, whose presence assures that the exterior space is accessible to all the kids at all times. Aside from her training in Engineering, she has completed various courses relating to education (Emotional Accompaniment, Manipulative Mathematics and Montessori Pedagogy).

A very important part of the team is the space in which the school is located: a house integrated in nature, by the Tagus river, surrounded by trees and fields ready to be explored, where one can experience wonderful moments.

And of course, we couldn’t leave out our friends and family, who have supported and helped us through this tough year of hard work.

Social commitment